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Shapovalov Sergey Nikolaevich
Senior Researcher
Candidate of technical sciences (2003)

Keywords: solar activity, cosmophysical fluctuations, gravitational disturbances


solar-terrestrial connections, cosmophysical correlations in experimental and natural processes

Main publications:
  1. Gorshkov E.S., Shapovalov S.N., Sokolovskii V.V., Troshichev O.A., “O gravitatsionnoi obuslovlennosti fluktuatsii skorosti reaktsii okisleniya unitiola nitritnym ionom”, Biofizika, 45:4 (2000), 631-635
  2. S.N. Shapovalov, “The Role of Evection in Optical Measurements of Light Beam Deflection from the Sun’s Disk (the Einstein Effect)”, Progress in Physics, 3 (2013), 68-72
  3. S.N.Shapovalov, O.A.Troshichev, V.I.Povazhny, and I.V.Moskvin, “Studies of Pulsed Signals in High-precision Experiments (Antarctica)”, Progress in Physics, 3 (2013), 147-156
  4. S.N.Shapovalov, “Prichiny «kosmicheskoi» gerontologii: vozdeistvie dvizhenii Zemli i Luny na pokazateli sredy obitaniya cheloveka”, Uspekhi gerontologii, 29:1 (2016), 11-22
  5. S.N.Shapovalov, “Gravitatsionnoe pole Zemli: geofizicheskii faktor gerontologii (Effekt Vorobeichikova)”, Uspekhi gerontologii, 29:1 (2016), 23-28

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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