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Rastorguev Alexey
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1996)

Speciality: 01.03.02 (Astrophysics and stellar astronomy)
Birth date: 26.07.1951
Phone: 89165705693
Keywords: stellar astronomy, stellar dynamics, distance scale


Stellar astronomy, dynamics of stellar systems, Galaxy kinematics and dynamics, physics of stars

Main publications:
  1. Rastorguev, A. S. ; Utkin, N. D. ; Zabolotskikh, M. V. ; Dambis, A. K. ; Bajkova, A. T. ; Bobylev, V. V., “Galactic masers: Kinematics, spiral structure and the disk dynamic state”, Astrophysical Bulletin, 72:2 (2017), 122-140  crossref
  2. Zabolotskikh, M. V.; Rastorguev, A. S.; Dambis, A. K., “Kinematic Parameters of Young Subsystems and the Galactic Rotation Curve”, Astronomy Letters, 28:7 (2002), 454-464  crossref
  3. Rastorguev, A. S.; Glushkova, E. V.; Dambis, A. K.; Zabolotskikh, M. V., “Statistical parallaxes and kinematical parameters of classical Cepheids and young star clusters”, Astronomy Letters, 25:9 (1999), 595-607
  4. Rastorguev, A. S.; Pavlovskaya, E. D.; Durlevich, O. V.; Filippova, A. A., “Determination of the galactocentric distance of the Sun on the basis of space distribution of globular clusters by the maximum likelihood method”, Astronomy Letters, 20:5 (1994), 591-595
  5. Rastorguev, A. S.; Zabolotskikh, M. V.; Lazovik, Ya. A.; Gorynya, N. A.; Berdnikov, L. N., “New Version of the Pulsating Photospheres Method: Multiphase Temperature Measurements of Cepheids”, Astrophysical Bulletin, 77:2 (2022), 144-149  crossref

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