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Knizhnerman Leonid Aronovich
Knizhnerman Leonid Aronovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences

Speciality: 01.01.07 (Computing mathematics)
Birth date: 4.08.1955
Phone: +7 (495) 984-81-20, доб. 3763
Keywords: Lanczos method, Arnoldi method, extended Krylov subspace method, rational Krylov subspace method, rational approximation, optimal grids, Markov functions, variational regularization, inverse spectral problems.
UDC: 519.644, 519.651, 517.538.52, 517.538.53, 519.612


Computational linear algebra – the Lanczos and Arnoldi methods, the extended Krylov subspace method, the rational Krylov subspace method; numerical solution of PDEs by means of the Spectral Lanczos/Arnoldi Decomposition Methods and other linear algebra methods; the theory of rational approximation and its applications to constructing optimal finite difference grids for solution of PDEs; inverse spectral problems; numerical solution of ill-posed geophysical problems with the use of variational regularization.

Main publications:
  1. V. L. Druskin, L. A. Knizhnerman, “Error estimates for the simple Lanczos process when computing functions of symmetric matrices and eigenvalues”, J. Comput. Math. and Mathem. Phys., 31:7 (1991), 970–983
  2. L. A. Knizhnerman, “Computation of functions of unsymmetric matrices by means of the Arnoldi method”, J. Comput. Math. and Mathem. Phys., 31:1 (1991), 5–16
  3. V. Druskin and L. Knizhnerman, “Extended Krylov subspaces: approximation of the matrix square root and related functions”, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 19:3 (1998), 755–771
  4. V. Druskin and L. Knizhnerman, “Gaussian spectral rules for second order finite-difference schemes”, Numer. Algorithms, 25:1-4 (2000), 139–159
  5. V. Druskin, L. Knizhnerman and M. Zaslavsky, “Solution of large scale evolutionary problems using rational Krylov subspaces with optimized shifts”, SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 31:5 (2009), 3760–3780

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