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Shubarin Michael Aleksandrovich
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1994)

Speciality: 01.01.00 (Mathematics)
Birth date: 4.11.1961
E-mail: ,
Keywords: topological linear spaces; topological linear spaces of continuous, differentiable or analytic functions; topological invariants; sequence spaces.
UDC: 517.982


Functional analysis. Complex analysis.

Main publications:
  1. Shubarin M. A, “Klassy obobschennykh stepennykh prostranstv, opredelyaemye interpolyatsionnymi svoistvami”, Izv. VUZov Sev. Kavk. regiona, ser. estetstv. nauk, 1 (2006)  zmath
  2. Shubarin M. A, “Ob odnom chastnom sluchae gipotezy Bessagi”, Izv. VUZov Sev. Kavk. regiona, ser. estetstv. nauk, 2007 (3)
  3. Shubarin M. A, “Usloviya interpolyatsionnosti dlya semeistv prostranstv Freshe”, Vladikavkazskii. Mat. Zh., 2007:2 (9), 57–65

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