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Lemeshko Boris Yurievich
Lemeshko Boris Yurievich
Doctor of technical sciences (1997)

Speciality: 05.13.17 (Theoretical foundation for informatics)
Birth date: 5.11.1945
Phone: +7 (383) 346 06 00
Fax: +7 (383) 346 02 09
Keywords: statistical modeling, check of hypotheses, statistical tests, distributions of statistic, the dispersive analysis, the correlation analysis, censored of data.
UDC: 519.24, 519.237.5


1. Computer methods of research of statistical regularities.
2. Mathematical and algorithmic maintenance of problems of the statistical analysis of data and researches of statistical regularities at infringement of classical assumptions.
3. Mathematical modelling and research of distributions of statistics multivariate random variables.
4. Development of computer technologies of modelling and research of fundamental laws of mathematical statistics.
5. Expansion of applied opportunities of classical methods of mathematical statistics.

Main publications:
  1. B. Yu. Lemeshko, S. B. Lemeshko, S. N. Postovalov, E. V. Chimitova, Statisticheskii analiz dannykh, modelirovanie i issledovanie veroyatnostnykh zakonomernostei. Kompyuternyi podkhod, Monografii NGTU, Izd-vo NGTU, Novosibirsk, 2011, 888 с.
  2. B. Yu. Lemeshko, Neparametricheskie kriterii soglasiya. Rukovodstvo po primeneniyu : monografiya. - 2-e izd., pererab. i dop., INFRA-M, M., 2024, 201 с.  crossref
  3. B. Yu. Lemeshko, Kriterii proverki otkloneniya raspredeleniya ot normalnogo zakona. Rukovodstvo po primeneniyu : monografiya. - 2-e izd., pererab. i dop., (Seriya "Nauchnaya mysl"), INFRA-M, M., 2023, 353 с.  crossref
  4. B. Yu. Lemeshko, P. Yu. Blinov, Kriterii proverki otkloneniya raspredeleniya ot ravnomernogo zakona. Rukovodstvo po primeneniyu, (Seriya "Nauchnaya mysl"), INFRA-M, M., 2015, 183 с.  crossref
  5. B. Yu. Lemeshko, Kriterii proverki gipotez ob odnorodnosti. Rukovodstvo po primeneniyu: monografiya. - 2-e izd., pererab. i dop., (Seriya "Nauchnaya mysl"), INFRA-M, M., 2021, 248 с.  crossref

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