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Shevtsova Irina Gennad'evna
Shevtsova Irina Gennad'evna
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2013)

Speciality: 01.01.05 (Probability theory and mathematical statistics)
Birth date: 18.02.1983
Phone: +7 (495) 939-53-94, +7 (495) 930-41-18
Keywords: central limit theorem, sum of independent random variables, normal approximation, Poisson random sum, convergence rate estimate, asymprorically exact constant, risk process, smoothing, Fourier--Stiltjes transform.


Convergence rate estimates in the central limit theorem for sums of independent random variables, analytical methods of probability

Main publications:
  1. I. Shevtsova, “On the accuracy of the approximation of the complex exponent by the first terms of its Taylor expansion with applications”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 418 (2014), 185–210  crossref
  2. I. G. Shevtsova, “O tochnosti normalnoi approksimatsii dlya obobschennykh puassonovskikh raspredelenii”, TVP, 58:1 (2013), 152–176  mathnet  crossref
  3. Irina Shevtsova, “Moment-type estimates with asymptotically optimal structure for the accuracy of the normal approximation”, Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, 39 (2012), 241–307  mathscinet
  4. I. G. Shevtsova, “Momentnye otsenki tochnosti normalnoi approksimatsii s utochnennoi strukturoi dlya summ nezavisimykh simmetrichnykh sluchainykh velichin”, TVP, 57:3 (2012), 499–532  mathnet  crossref; Theory Probab. Appl., 57:3 (2013), 468–496  crossref  isi
  5. I. G. Shevtsova, “Ob asimptoticheski pravilnykh postoyannykh v neravenstve Berri–Esseena–Katsa”, TVP, 55:2 (2010), 271–304  mathnet  crossref; Theory Probab. Appl., 55:2 (2011), 225–252  crossref  isi
  6. V. Korolev, I. Shevtsova, “An improvement of the Berry–Esseen inequality with applications to Poisson and mixed Poisson random sums”, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2012:2 (2012), 81–105  crossref

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