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Website: Keywords: Normalizing constants for queueing networks. Integral representations for normalizing constants. Data transmission networks.
1. Normalizing constants for queueing networks
(it could be noted, that through these normalizing it is possible to express
all characteristics of data transmission networks, computing systems, control systems working in real time, etc.).
Integral representations for normalizing constants
(it could be noted, that, from the fact, that it is possible to differentiate under symbol of integral, follows that it is possible to put and solve problems of optimization (and balancing)
for data transmission networks, computing systems, control systems working in real time, etc.).
2. Queueing networks.
3. Data transmission networks.
Main publications:
1. Gerasimov A.I. Analytical Methods for the Investigation and Optimization of Computer Systems and Networks Based on Queuing Network Models. - M.: Radio i Sviaz
(Radio and Communications), 2001. – 240 p.: fig. (in Russian) ISBN 2-256-01590-7.
2. Gerasimov A.I. Analytical Methods for the Investigation and Optimization of Computer Systems and Networks Based on Queueing Network Models. English Edition.
Moscow: Radio i Svjaz (Radio and Telecommunications), 2003. ( 288 p.; fig., English Edition) ISBN 2-256-01629-6. (in English)
3. Gerasimov A.I. Theory and Practical Application of Queuing Networks. - M.: Radio i sviaz (Radio and Communications), 1994. - 176 p.; fig. ISBN 5-256-01180-4. (in Russian)
4. Gerasimov A.I. On Normalizing Constants in Multiclass Queuing Networks // Operations Research. - 1995. - Vol. 43, N 4. - pp. 704 - 711.
5. Gerasimov A.I. Optimization of Computer Systems and Networks // Doklady Akademii Nauk (Reports of Russian Academy of Sciences). - 1998. - Vol. 362, N 5. - pp. 597-589.
ISSN 0869-5652 (in Russian)
(Gerasimov A. I., Optimization of Computer Systems and Networks, Doklady Mathematics, 1998, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 249-251. ISSN 1064-5624, Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 1998. (in English))