Faizrahmanov Marat Khaidarovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2020)
01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
E-mail: ,
Website: https://mathcenter.kpfu.ru/mfaizrah
Keywords: numbering, degree of unsolvability, degree spectra
UDC: 510.5,
Subject: Computability Theory, Theory of Numberings, Computable Model Theory
Main publications:
M. Kh. Faizrahmanov, “A family with a single minimal but not least numbering”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 65:2 (2024), 395–407
M. Kh. Faizrakhmanov, “Universal generalized computable numberings and hyperimmunity”, Algebra Logika, 56:4 (2017), 506–521
; Algebra and Logic, 56:4 (2017), 337–347
M. Kh. Faizrakhmanov, “Turing jumps in the Ershov hierarchy”, Algebra Logika, 50:3 (2011), 399–414
; Algebra and Logic, 50:3 (2011), 279–289
Publications in Math-Net.Ru
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