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Efimushkin Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1989)

Speciality: 05.13.17; 01.01.09 (Theoretical foundation for informatics; Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics)
Birth date: 17.06.1957
Phone: +7 (495) 739 79 79
Keywords: Queueing theory, queueing systems, telecommunication network, telecommunication system, model, performance.
UDC: 621.394.74, 519.216, 681.324, 519.872.4


Telecommunication networks and systems modelling, queueing theory, queueing systems

Main publications:
  1. Efimushkin V.A., Yazykov D.N., “Analiz kharakteristik funktsionirovaniya kommutatora programmno-konfiguriruemoi seti”, XII Vserossiiskoe soveschanie po problemam upravleniya VSPU-2014 (Moskva, 16–19 iyunya 2014 g.), IPU RAN, M., 2014, 8536–8543
  2. Efimushkin V.A., Uglov I.V., “Modelirovanie protsessov upravleniya iskhodyaschimi golosovymi vyzovami v setyakh LTE s ispolzovaniem tekhnologii CSFB v GSM”, XII Vserossiiskoe soveschanie po problemam upravleniya VSPU-2014 (Moskva, 16–19 iyunya 2014 g.), IPU RAN, M., 2014, 8674–8685
  3. Efimushkin V.A., Uglov I.V., “Analiz zaderzhek obrabotki soobschenii protokola SIP-I v oborudovanii IBC”, Elektrosvyaz, 2013, № 1, 37–43

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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