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Surnachev Mikhail Dmitrievich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2017)

Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Keywords: p-Laplacian, nonlinear heat equation, Emden-Fowler, stabilization, regularity, Harnack inequality, p(x)-Laplacian, Muckenhoupt weights, admissible weights, conservation laws
UDC: 517.956
MSC: 35K65, 35K67,35K92, 35J61,35J62, 35J92, 35L05


nonlinear PDEs of elliptic and parabolic type, stabilization of solutions, Sobolev-Orlicz spaces, degenerate equations, p-Laplacian, Emden-Fowler type equations, asymptotics, conservation laws

Main publications:
  1. M.D. Surnachev, “Stabilization of Solutions to the Dirichlet Problem in a Cylindrical Domain for the Parabolic p-Laplacian”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 219:2 (2016), 275-299
  2. M.D. Surnachev, “Holder continuity of solutions to nonlinear parabolic equations degenerated on a part of the domain”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 213:4 (2016), 610-635
  3. M.D. Surnachev, V.V. Zhikov, “On density of smooth functions in weighted sobolev spaces with variable exponents”, St Petersburg Mathematical Journal, 27:3 (2016), 415-436
  4. M.D. Surnachev, “A Harnack inequality for weighted degenerate parabolic equations”, Journal of Differential Equations, 248:8 (2010), 2092-2129
  5. M.D. Surnachev, “Estimates for Emden-Fowler type inequalities with absorption term”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 348:2 (2008), 996-1011

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