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Kirillov Aleksandr Nickolaevich
Associate professor
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences

Keywords: control, dynamical systems, variable structure.


The theory of control, hybrid systems.

Main publications:
  1. Kirillov A.N., “The Stabilization Problem for Certain Class of Ecological Systems”, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 7:2 (1997), 247–251
  2. Kirillov A.N., “Upravlenie mnogostadiinymi tekhnologicheskimi protsessami”, Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Seriya 10. Prikladnaya matematika, informatika, protsessy upravleniya, 2006, № 4, 127–131
  3. Kirillov A.N., “Metod dinamicheskoi dekompozitsii v modelirovanii sistem so strukturnymi izmeneniyami”, Informatsionno-upravlyayuschie sistemy, 2009, № 1, 20–24
  4. Kirillov A., Starkov V., “Some extensions of the Poincare-Birkhoff theorem”, Journal of fixed point theory and applications, 13:2 (2013), 611–625
  5. Kirillov A., Starkov V., “Fixed points of infinitely connected domain continuous mappings”, Fixed Point Theory, 16:1 (2015), 103–106

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