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Samofalov Vladimir Nikolaevich
Senior Researcher
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2009)

Speciality: 01.04.11 (Physics of magnetic phenomena)
Birth date: 8.01.1940
Phone: +38 (057) 707 60 69
Keywords: Ferromagnetic films, magnetic anisotropy, magnetoresistance.
UDC: 537.622.6(043)


Thin magnetic films, stripe structure of films with perpendicular anisotropy, magnetoresistance materials, strong inho-mogeneous stray fields.

Main publications:
  1. Samofalov V.N., Ravlik A.G., Belozorov D.P., Avramenko B.A., “Generation of strong inho-mogeneous stray fields by high-anisotropy permanent magnets”, J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 261 (2004), 326–335
  2. Samofalov V.N., Belozorov D.P., Ravlik A.G., “Optimizatsiya sistem iz postoyannykh magnitov”, Fizika metallov i metallovedenie, 102:5 (2006), 527–538
  3. Samofalov V.N., Belozorov D.P, Ravlik A.G., “The permanent Magnet Systems generating strong stray Fields with large localization region”, J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 320/8 (2008), 1490–1498
  4. Samofalov V.N., Ilyashenko E. I., Ramstad A., Lubcyanuy L. Z., Johansen T. H., “Magnetic Heads for high coercivity recording Media”, J. Optoelectronics and Anvanced Materials, 6:3 (2004), 911–916

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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