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Panin Alexey Victorovich
Associate professor
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2006)

Speciality: 01.04.07 (Physics of condensed states)
Birth date: 26.09.1971
Phone: +7 (3822) 286 979
Fax: +7 (9822) 492 576
Keywords: thin films, coatings, nanostructural surface layers, deformation, fracture, mesomechanics.


1. Maltilevel deformation and fracture of thin films and nanostructural coatings.
2. Nature of plastic deformation localization od solids.
3. Strengthening of structural materials by nanostructuring their surface layers.

Main publications:
  1. V.E. Panin, V.P. Sergeev, A.V. Panin, Nanostrukturirovanie poverkhnostnykh sloev konstruktsionnykh materialov i nanesenie nanostrukturnykh pokrytii, Izd-vo Tom. Politekh. Un-ta, Tomsk, 2008
  2. A.V. Panin, “Nelineinye volny lokalizovannogo plasticheskogo techeniya v nanostrukturnykh poverkhnostnykh sloyakh tverdykh tel i tonkikh plenkakh”, Fiz. mezomekh, 8:3 (2005), 5–17
  3. Alexey Panin, Arthur Shugurov, Juergen Schreiber, “Fractal analysis of electromigration-induced changes of surface topography in Au conductor lines”, Surface Science, 524:1-3 (2003), 191–198
  4. Panin A., Panina A., Ivanov Yu., “Deformation macrolocalisation and fracture in ultrafine-grained armco iron”, Materials Science & Engineering A, 486:1-2 (2008), 267–272
  5. A. V. Panin, “Osobennosti plasticheskoi deformatsii i razrusheniya tekhnicheskogo titana i malouglerodistoi stali, podvergnutykh ultrazvukovoi obrabotke”, FMM, 98:1 (2004), 109–118

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