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Pogorui Anatoliy
Associate professor
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2014)

Speciality: 01.01.05 (Probability theory and mathematical statistics)
Birth date: 30.03.1962
Keywords: Random motion, Markov process, ergodic theory.


Random evolution.

Main publications:
  1. Pogorui A.A., Rodriguez R. Dagnino, “One-Dimensional Semi-Markov Evolution With General Erlang Sojourn Times”, Random Operators and Stochastic Equation, 13:4 (2005), 399–405
  2. Pogorui A.A., “The stationary measure of the stochastic transfer process with reflecting boundaries in a semi-Markov medium”, Theor. Probability and Math. Statist., 2007, no. 74, 125–132
  3. Roberto D. Rodriguez-Said, Pogorui A. A. and Ramon M. Rodriguez-Dagnino, “Stationary Effectiveness of an Information Server with a Single Buffer and Bursty Demands of two Different Customers”, Stochastic Models, 24 (2008), 246–269
  4. Pogorui A.A., “Asymptotic Analysis For Phase Averaging Of Transport Process”, Ukr. matem. zhurn., 62:2 (2010), 190–198
  5. Pogorui A.A., “Estimation of stationary productivity of one-phase system with a Storage”, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 17:2 (2011), 305–314

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