Electromagnetic study of the Earth crust.
Rock behavior and properties under external physical fields
Main publications:
N.T. Tarasov, N.V. Tarasova, A.A. Avagimov, V.A. Zeigarnik, “The effect of High Energy Electromagnetic Pulses on Seismisity in Central Asia and Kzakhstan”, Volc. & Seis., 21:4-5 (200), 627–639
A.A. Avagimov, V.A. Zeigarnik, E.B. Fainberg, “Electrjmagnetically Induced Spatial-Temporal Structure of Seismicity”, Izvestiya of Solid Earth, 41:6 (2005), 475–484
L. Bogomolov, V. Bragin, A. Fridman, V. Makarov, G. Sobolev, G. Schelochkov, V. Zeigarnik, A. Zubovich, “Comparative analysis of GPS, seismic and eltctromagnetic data on Central Tien Shan Territory”, Tectonophysics, 2007, no. 431, 143–151
A.A. Avagimov, V.A. Zeigarnik, V.I. Okunev, “Dinamics of Energy Exchange in Model Samples Subjected to Elastic and Electromagnetic Impacts”, Izvestiya of Solid Earth, 47:10 (2011), 919–925