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Nagornov Iurii
Nagornov Iurii
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2001)

Speciality: 01.04.10 (Physcics of semiconductors)
Keywords: Cellular automata, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics methods, intercellular interaction, structure of the membrane, intracellular pressure.
UDC: 51-76


Simulation of phase transitions in nanocrystals and solid state, beta-voltaic effect, radiation-induced processes in porous silicon. Simulation of dynamics of intercellular interaction, modeling the properties of the cell membrane according to atomic force microscopy. Molecular dynamics simulation and modeling by Monte-Carlo method.

Grants under my supervision:
2014–2015 — Development of technology and software measurement of intracellular pressure of cell according to atomic force microscopy. FTP "Research and development on priority directions of scientific-technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020"
2011–2013 — Molecular dynamic engineering uranium oxide nanocrystals. RFBR 11-01-00311a.
2012 — Developing on-line services based on flash-technology for broadband systems on an example of virtual physics laboratory. State contract 14.B37.21.2089 from November 14, 2012. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
2012 — Development online simulators scanning electron and atomic force microscopes. State contract 14.B37.21.2046 from November 14, 2012. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
2012 — Development foundations of the theory of elasticity cells in relation with the data of atomic force microscopy. State contract 14.B37.21.0228 from July 23, 2012. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
2012 — Numerical methods for simulation of nanocrystals properties. State contract 14.B37.21.0222 from July 23, 2012. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
2012 — Simulation in Materials Science and Nanotechnology: Research and cognitive aspects. State contract 14.B37.21.0127 from July 20, 2012. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Grants in which I'm executive head:
2011 — Development of resource base for research in the field of knowledge 08: development of laboratory atomic force microscopy Ulyanovsk State University. 11-08-05056-b. Russian Foundation of Basic Research.
2010–2012 — Design and creation of a new source of gamma radiation processing technologies for materials and products. State contract 296P from May 4, 2010. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
2010–2012 — Design, development and research of pulsed radiation-stimulated current source based on the radionuclide nickel-63. State contract 625P from May 5, 2010. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
2009–2011 — Modeling and study of radiation-induced current generation in silicon structures. State contract P2091 from November 3, 2009. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
2010 — Simulation and research structures of radiation- stimulated batteries. 10-08-97001- r_povolzhe_a. Russian Foundation of Basic Research
2009 — Development of the material base for research in the field of knowledge 02 : Empowering the laboratory probe microscopy. 09-02-05070b. Russian Foundation of Basic Research.
2008–2009 — Modelling of the formation of radiation characteristics evropiysoderzhaschih elements of nuclear reactors in the rationale for developing a new type of gamma-ray source. 08-08-99082-R_ofi. Russian Foundation of Basic Research
2008–2009 — Modeling , creation and study of radiation-stimulated supply. 08-08-99068-R_ofi. Russian Foundation of Basic Research.

Main publications:
  1. Nagornov Yu.S., Murashev V.N., “Simulation of the $\beta$-voltaic effect in silicon pin structures irradiated with electrons from a nickel-63 $\beta$ source”, Semiconductors, 50:1 (2016), 16–21
  2. Nagornov Yu.S., “Thermodynamics of a phase transition of silicon nanoparticles at the annealing and carbonization of porous silicon”, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 121:6 (2015), 1042–1051
  3. Nagornov Yu.S., “Thermodynamics of Silicon Carbide Nucleation during the Carbonization of Nanoporous Silicon”, Technical physics. The Russian journal of applied physics, 60:5 (2015), 700–709
  4. Nagornov Yu.S., “Thermodynamics of Annealing of Nanoporous Silicon”, Technical Physics Letters, 41:6 (2015), 532–536

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