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Belashov Aleksey Nikolaevich
Belashov Aleksey Nikolaevich

Birth date: 13.09.1946
Keywords: scientific discoveries and inventions Belashov, theoretical physicist, laws of physics, atomic physics, electrical and magnetic phenomena, electrostatics, electrical engineering, hydrodynamics, astronomy, astrophysics, stellar astronomy.
UDC: 53.02


Discovery of the basic laws of the universe: - the law of determining energy within the various spaces of our Universe, which allows us to calculate the stored and expended energy of any material body. - the law for determining the speed of light in the space of our Universe, which reflects a large dependence on the environment, the power of the light radiation source, the diameter of the light flux and the distance from the light radiation source to the final target.

Discovery of new constants, physical quantities, phenomena of the material world, laws of formation of the planets of the solar system, the mechanism of formation of the substance of outer space, the mechanism of holding the planets of the solar system in their orbits and the mechanism of formation of gravitational forces, forces of cosmic counteraction and forces of cosmic interaction.

The discovery of new laws of electrical and electrical phenomena based on the inverse speed of light constant, the mechanism of formation of a magnet from atoms of magnetic material, the mechanism of formation of electric current in a conductor located in a magnetic field and the mechanism of movement of electric current along a conductor located in different environments.

Discovery of new mathematical formulas in electrical engineering based on the inverse speed of light constant, in hydrodynamics based on the kinematic viscosity of the water flow, mathematical formulas in wind energy based on the kinematic viscosity of the air flow and mathematical formulas for calculating hydrophysical cavitation heaters.

Main publications:
  1. Belashov Aleksei Nikolaevich, “Otkryt zakon opredeleniya energii vnutri raznoobraznykh prostranstv i dopolneniya oprovergayuschie zakon sokhraneniya energii.”, Irformatsionno-analiticheskii zhurnal «Aktualnye problemy sovremennoi nauki», 2022, № 4, 30-36
  2. Belashov Aleksei Nikolaevich, “Matematicheskie dokazatelstva suschestvovaniya kosmicheskogo efira ili substantsii kosmicheskogo prostranstva.”, Irformatsionno-analiticheskii zhurnal «Aktualnye problemy sovremennoi nauki», 2021, № 1, 33
  3. Belashov Aleksei Nikolaevich, “Vozniknovenie, rasprostranenie i vzaimodeistvie virusov yavlyayuschikhsya neot'emnoi sostavlyayuschei ekosistemy planety Zemlya.”, Irformatsionno-analiticheskii zhurnal «Aktualnye problemy sovremennoi nauki», 2020, № 5, 36
  4. Belashov Aleksei Nikolaevich, “Dopolnenie k otkrytiyu konstanty obratnoi skorosti sveta i oproverzhenie postulatov Einshteina.”, Zhurnal aktualnoi nauchnoi informatsii «Aspirant i soiskatel»., 2019, № 1, 38
  5. Belashov Aleksei Nikolaevich, “Otkrytie mekhanizma obrazovaniya sil gravitatsionnogo tyagoteniya, sil kosmicheskogo protivodeistviya i sil kosmicheskogo vzaimodeistviya».”, Zhurnal aktualnoi nauchnoi informatsii «Aspirant i soiskatel»., 2019, № 1, 65

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