01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Phone: +37493554100
E-mail: Keywords: Hammerstein type nonlinear integral and integro-differential equations,
Caratheodory condition,
asymptotic behavior of solutions,
one-parameter family of positive solutions.
UDC: 517.968.4+517.968.74
Research questions of solvability of nonlinear integral and integro-differential equations with noncompact operators Hammerstein and Hammerstein–Nemytskii.
Main publications:
Kh.A. Khachatryan, M.F. Broyan, “Odnoparametricheskoe semeistvo polozhitelnykh reshenii dlya odnogo klassa nelineinykh beskonechnykh algebraicheskikh sistem s matritsami tipa Teplitsa–Gankelya”, Izvestiya NAN Armenii, Matematika, 48:5 (2013), 63–78
M.F. Broyan, “O nekotorykh nelineinykh beskonechnykh sistemakh algebraicheskikh uravnenii s matritsami tipa Teplitsa–Gankelya”, Matem. v vysshei shkole, 8:3 (2012), 17–24
M.F. Broyan, “Suschestvovanie polozhitelnogo resheniya dlya odnoi sistemy nelineinykh integralnykh uravnenii s nekompaktnym operatorom Gammershteina”, Matem. v vysshei shkole, 10:1 (2014), 23–29
Kh.A. Khachatryan, M.F.Broyan, H.O. Azizyan, “On Solvability of a Class of NonlinearSecond Order Integro-Differential Equations in the Space W1,2(R+)”, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 50:5 (2015), 209–217