01.01.04 (Geometry and topology)
Birth date:
E-mail: Website: https://www.mccme.ru/~skopenko; https://www.mccme.ru/circles/oim/home/cv.pdf Keywords: geometric topology; algebraic topology; dynamical systems; embeddings of manifolds into Euclidean spaces; isotopy of manifolds in Euclidean spaces; embedding invariants.
Main publications:
Skopenkov A. B. On the deleted product criterion for embeddability of manifolds in $R^m$ // Comment. Math. Helv., 1997, 72, 543–555.
D. Repovs and A. Skopenkov, New results on embeddings of polyhedra
and manifolds into Euclidean spaces (in Russian) // Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 54:6
(1999) 61–109. English transl.: Russ. Math. Surv. 54:6 (1999), 1149–1196.
Skopenkov A. B. On the Haefliger–Hirsch–Wu invariants for embeddings and immersions // Comment. Math. Helv., 2002, 77(1), 78–124.
A. Skopenkov, A classification of smooth embeddings of 3-manifolds in 6-space // Math. Zeitschrift, 260:3, 2008, 647–672, arxiv:math/0603429
A. Skopenkov, How do autodiffeomorphisms act on embeddings // Proc. A of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 148:4 (2018),
835–848, arxiv:1402.1853