The Differential Form Method for Finding Symmetries B. Kent Harrison
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Multi-Instantons in Higher Dimensions and Superstring Solitons Eugene K. Loginov
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Transient Phenomena in Quantum Bound States Subjected to a Sudden Perturbation Marcos Moshinsky, Emerson Sadurní
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A System of $n=3$ Coupled Oscillators with Magnetic Terms: Symmetries and Integrals of Motion Manuel F. Rañada
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Andrew Lenard: A Mystery Unraveled Jeffery Praught, Roman G. Smirnov
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Structure of Symmetry Groups via Cartan's Method: Survey of Four Approaches O. I. Morozov
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Exact Solutions and Symmetry Operators for the Nonlocal Gross–Pitaevskii Equation with Quadratic Potential Alexander Shapovalov, Andrey Trifonov, Alexander Lisok
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Spectra of Observables in the $q$-Oscillator and $q$-Analogue of the Fourier Transform Anatoliy U. Klimyk
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Group Classification of the General Evolution Equation: Local and Quasilocal Symmetries Renat Zhdanov, Victor Lahno
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A Gentle (without Chopping) Approach to the Full Kostant–Toda Lattice Pantelis A. Damianou, Franco Magri
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Connections Between Symmetries and Conservation Laws George Bluman
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Radiation Reaction, Renormalization and Poincaré Symmetry Yurij Yaremko
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Simple Derivation of Quasinormal Modes for Arbitrary Spins Iosif Khriplovich, Gennady Ruban
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On Chaotic Dynamics in Rational Polygonal Billiards Valery Kokshenev
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Second Order Superintegrable Systems in Three Dimensions Willard Miller
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Representations of the Quantum Algebra $\mathrm{su}_q(1,1)$ and Discrete $q$-Ultraspherical Polynomials Valentyna Groza
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Subgroups of the Group of Generalized Lorentz Transformations and Their Geometric Invariants George Yu. Bogoslovsky
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Ermakov's Superintegrable Toy and Nonlocal Symmetries P. G. L. Leach, A. Karasu (Kalkanli), M. C. Nucci, K. Andriopoulos
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Transverse Evolution Operator for the Gross–Pitaevskii Equation in Semiclassical Approximation Alexey Borisov, Alexander Shapovalov, Andrey Trifonov
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Exact Propagators for Soliton Potentials Andrey M. Pupasov, Boris F. Samsonov
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Pachner Move $3\to 3$ and Affine Volume-Preserving Geometry in $\mathbb R^3$ Igor G. Korepanov
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Noether Symmetries and Critical Exponents Yuri Bozhkov
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Characteristic Algebras of Fully Discrete Hyperbolic Type Equations Ismagil T. Habibullin
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Symmetry Properties of Autonomous Integrating Factors Sibusiso Moyo, P. G. L. Leach
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Compact Simple Lie Groups and Their $C$-, $S$-, and $E$-Transforms Jiri Patera
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Conservation Laws of Discrete Korteweg–de Vries Equation Olexandr G. Rasin, Peter E. Hydon
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Integrable Anisotropic Evolution Equations on a Sphere Anatoly G. Meshkov, Maxim Ju. Balakhnev
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Representations of $U(2\infty)$ and the Value of the Fine Structure Constant William H. Klink
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