Mathematical problems in the theory of wave propagation. Part 48
Aleksandr Pavlovich Kachalov (27.03.1949–01.03.2017)
The point-source of electromagnetic waves in the case of nonhomogeneous media (high-frequency ansatz and dual to him singular solution) V. M. Babich
7 |
The absolutely continuous spectrum eigenfunctions asymptotics of the three one-dimensional quantum particles scattering problem I. V. Baibulov, A. M. Budylin, S. B. Levin
15 |
Simplest test for two-dimensional dynamical inverse problem (the BC-method) M. I. Belishev, N. A. Karazeeva
38 |
On waves generated by sources localized at infinity A. S. Blagoveschensky
59 |
On the Bateman–Hörmander solution of the wave equation, having a singularity at a running point A. S. Blagoveshchensky, A. M. Tagirdzhanov, A. P. Kiselev
76 |
Scattering of electromagnetic waves on the array of thin dielectric structures S. A. Vavilov, M. S. Lytaev
86 |
On the Cauchy problem for the wave equation with data on the boundary M. N. Demchenko
99 |
High-frequency diffraction by a contour with a jump of curvature. Limit ray E. A. Zlobina, A. P. Kiselev
113 |
“Separation of variables” in the model problems of the diffraction theory. Formal scheme A. Ya. Kazakov
124 |
One dimensional inverse problem in photoacoustic. Numerical testing D. Langemann, A. S. Mikhaylov, V. S. Mikhaylov
140 |
Green’s function for the Helmholtz equation in a polygonal domain of special form with ideal boundary conditions M. A. Lyalinov
150 |
Asymptotics of eigenvalues in spectral gaps of periodic waveguides with small singular perturbations S. A. Nazarov
168 |
On Morse index for geodesic lines on smooth surfaces imbedded in $\mathbb R^3$ M. M. Popov
211 |
Wave model of the Sturm–Liouville operator on an interval S. A. Simonov
225 |
On adiabatic normal modes in a wedge shaped sea A. A. Fedotov
261 |
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