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International conference "Algebraic Topology, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Physics" on occasion of Victor Buchstaber's 75th birthday
(May 24–30, 2018, Steklov Mathematical Institite, 8, Gubkina str., Conference hall, Moscow)
International conference "Algebraic Topology, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Physics" on occasion of Victor Buchstaber's 75th birthday

Conference format. The conference program includes plenary lectures and invited talks.

Venues. On May 24 and 28-30 conference activities will take place at Steklov Mathematical Institute (Gubkina str., 8). On May 25 and 26 talks will be at Skolkovo Insitute of Science and Technology (Skolkovo Innovation Center, Nobel str., 3). May 27 (Sunday) is a free day.

Seminar for young researchers (May 30 - June 1). International Seminar on Toric Topology and Homotopy Theory will take place at Steklov Mathematical Institute on May 30, 31 and June 1.

Abstract submission. Speakers of the Conference and participants of the Seminar are requested to send titles and abstracts of their talks to the conference e-mail by April 20 using the following template. The recommended length of abstract is up to 2 pages.

Visas. Citizens of other countries may need visa to visit Russian Federation. The Organizing Committee provides visa support for all participants by their request.

Accommodation. The accommodation for the invited speakers of the Conference is provided by the Organizing Committee at hotel “Warsaw” (Leninsky av., 2/1) and the accommodation facilities of the Steklov Institute. The participants of the Seminar are encouraged to take care about the accommodation on their own. The Organizing Committee has reserved a block of rooms at the nearby hotel Serpukhovskoy dvor (2-oy Roshchinskiy proezd, 8) and at the Arena Hotel. Please contact the Organizers for more details.


Program Committee
Novikov Sergei Petrovich
Krichever Igor Moiseevich
Gaifullin Alexander Aleksandrovich
Panov Taras Evgenievich

Organizing Committee
Ayzenberg Anton Andreyevich
Gaifullin Alexander Aleksandrovich
Erokhovets Nikolai Yur'evich
Panov Taras Evgenievich

Plenary speakers
Bahri Anthony
Fang Fuquan
Januszkiewicz Tadeusz
Wu Jie
Vershik Anatolii Moiseevich
Veselov Aleksandr Petrovich
Vinberg Ernest Borisovich
Dolbilin Nikolay Petrovich
Živaljević Rade
Krichever Igor Moiseevich
Lando Sergei Konstantinovich
Masuda Mikiya
Matveev Sergei Vladimirovich
Mikhailov Alexander Vasil'evich
Suh Dong Youp
Taimanov Iskander Asanovich
Khovanskii Askold Georgievich
Tsfasman Michael Anatol'evich

Invited speakers
Karshon Yael
Kishimoto Daisuke
Yan Min
Arzhantsev Ivan
Bakuradze Malhaz Revazovich
Bunkova Elena Yurievna
Vershinin Vladimir Valentinovich
Vesnin Andrei Yurievich
Voronov Theodore Theodorovich
Glutsyuk Alexey Antonovich
Gorbunov Vassily Gennadievich
Gorsky Mikhail Aleksandrovich
Grbić Jelena
Grinevich Petr Georgievich
Grujić Vladimir N.
Gugnin Dmitry Vladimirovich
Gusein-Zade Sabir Medzhidovich
Dragović Vladimir Il'ich
Dranishnikov Alexander Nikolaevich
Dynnikov Ivan Alekseevich
Kustarev Andrei Aleksandrovich
Malyutin Andrei Valer'evich
Melikhov Sergey Aleksandrovich
Millionshchikov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Mironov Andrei Evgen'evich
Musin Oleg Rustamovich
Pawałowski Krzysztof Marian
Panina Gaiane Yur'evna
Penskoi Alexei Viktorovich
Rakić Zoran
Talalaev Dmitry Valer'evich
Terzić Svjetlana
Theriault Stephen
Timashev Dmitry Andreevich
Ustinov Alexey Vladimirovich
Ustinovskiy Yury Mikhailovich
Fominykh Evgeny Anatol'evich
Khudaverdian Hovhannes M
Choi Suyoung

Participants/Speakers of the Seminar for Young Researchers
Carlson Jeffrey
Membrillo Solis Ingrid
Sarkar Soumen
Schaller Karin
Kotelskiy Artem
Linton Abigail
Park Seonjeong
Zeng Haozhi
Fu Xin
Hasui Sho
Huang Ruizhi
Hwang Taekgyu
Kuwata Hideya
Moon Jiyeon
Rea Simone
Abramyan Semyon
Baralić Djordje Borisav
Veryovkin Yakov Aleksandrovich
Limonchenko Ivan Yur'evich
Pavutnitskiy Fedor Yur'evich
Rukhovich Alexey Dmitrievich
Sato Takashi
So Tseleung
Solomadin Grigory Dmitrievich
Song Jongbaek
Horiguchi Tatsuya
Shemyakova Ekaterina Sergeevna

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2024