Plasma Investigations
Experimental investigation of the behavior of bubbles in water under the effect of strong electric fields S. M. Korobeinikov, A. V. Melekhov, V. G. Posukh, V. M. Antonov, M. É. Royak
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Reverse-flow swirl radio-frequency induction plasmatron A. F. Gutsol, J. Larjo, R. Hernberg
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Singularities of ionization-field instability and structurization of plasma of high-pressure
non-self-maintained free-localized discharge in the field of a quasi-monochromatic microwave O. A. Sinkevich, V. E. Sosnin
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Simulation of the heating of a tungsten conductor by a nanosecond high-power current pulse S. I. Tkachenko
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Excitation of $^6S^\circ$, $^6P^\circ$, and $^6D^\circ$ levels of niobium atom by electron impact Yu. M. Smirnov
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Investigation of the electrophysical characteristics of $\mathrm{SF}_6$ gas: The effect of electrode layers on the measurement accuracy A. E. Dubinov, V. A. Letyaguin, K. E. Mikheev, B. G. Ptitsyn, S. A. Sadovoi, V. D. Selemir
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Recovery of the potential of interaction between helium atoms and fluorine ions using
the data on interstitial diffusion and solubility of helium in fluorides of alkaline-earth metals K. A. Nekrasov, A. Ya. Kupryazhkin
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Generalization of the experimental data on the thermal properties of solutions of hydrocarbons and alcohols Ya. M. Naziev, J. Ya. Naziev, V. G. Gasanov
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The thermal conductivity of binary and multicomponent aqueous solutions of inorganic substances at high parameters of state U. B. Magomedov
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Thermodynamic properties of $\mathrm{Si}$–$\mathrm{P}$ melts A. I. Zaitsev, A. D. Litvina, N. E. Shelkova
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Thulium trichloride: Thermochemistry of molecular and ionic associates I. V. Khasanshin, L. S. Kudin, A. M. Pogrebnoi, V. B. Motalov
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Thermal radiative properties of ceramic of cubic $\mathrm{ZrO}_2$ stabilized with $\mathrm{Y}_2\mathrm{O}_3$ at high temperatures F. A. Akopov, G. E. Val'yano, A. Yu. Vorob'ev, V. N. Mineev, V. A. Petrov, A. P. Chernyshov, G. P. Chernyshov
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Barothermal effect in a gas-bearing stratum A. I. Filippov, Y. M. Devyatkin
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Diffusion of nanoparticles and macromolecules in dense gases and liquids V. Ya. Rudyak, G. V. Kharlamov, A. A. Belkin
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Calculation and analysis of unsteady-state flow of gas past a deformable plane lattice B. L. Kantsyrev, A. B. Ashbaev
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Analysis of the process of heat transfer for free steady-state flow of liquid in a flat channel
in view of the dissipation of mechanical energy and of the temperature dependence of viscosity V. N. Kolodezhnov, A. V. Koltakov
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Investigation of heat transfer in the case of upward and downward turbulent flow of a mixture of gas and solid particles in a pipe A. V. Starchenko, A. M. Bubenchikov, E. S. Burlutskii
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Evolution of Rayleigh equation in a problem with phase transition P. M. Gavrilov
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$1/f$ noise under conditions of interaction between phase transitions V. N. Skokov, A. V. Reshetnikov, V. P. Koverda, A. V. Vinogradov
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Rewetting and autowave change of boiling modes B. A. Gabaraev, S. A. Kovalev, Yu. S. Molochnikov, S. L. Solov'ev, S. V. Usatikov
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Unsteady-state flow of liquid of high thermal conductivity in a vapor-filled capillary in the presence of longitudinal heat flux P. V. Korolev, A. P. Kryukov
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Short Communications
Phase coexistence curve for isobutanol G. V. Stepanov, A. R. Rasulov, K. A. Shakhbanov, L. M. Radzhabova
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One-dimensional classical model with phase transition I. K. Loktionov
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Possibility of increasing the degree of perfection of a blackbody model A. V. Kostanovskii, M. E. Kostanovskaya
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