Plasma Investigations
Magnetocumulative generator as the power supply for pulsed plasma accelerator S. V. Dudin, A. M. Zhitluhin, A. V. Kozlov, A. A. Leont'ev, V. B. Mintsev, A. E. Ushnurtsev, V. E. Fortov, V. E. Cherkovets, A. V. Shurupov, N. P. Shurupova
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Average power input into a barrier discharge by pulsating electric current V. V. Skvotsov
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The simulation of ultraviolet radiation under conditions of re-entry of space vehicle from near-earth orbit A. B. Gorshkov
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Redefinition of the unit of thermodynamic temperature in the international system of units M. I. Kalinin, S. A. Kononogov
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Statistical thermodynamics of model polar fluids G. B. Litinski
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High-speed visualization of unsteady-state thermophysical experiment as a means of making it more informative and accurate S. V. Goryachev, V. E. Peletskii, V. F. Chinnov
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Processes in high-temperature air involving molecules and atoms in excited electron states S. A. Losev, V. N. Yarygina
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The density of petroleum products in a wide range of parameters of state B. A. Grigor'ev, N. A. Ovchinnikov
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Analysis of statistical model of heat transfer of particles in isotropic turbulence with constant temperature gradient L. I. Zaichik, A. A. Bochkarev
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Numerical investigation of three-dimensional turbulent flow and endwall heat transfer in a large-scale cascade of turbine blades A. M. Levchenja, E. M. Smirnov
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Mathematical simulation of electromagnetic stirring of liquid steel in a DC arc furnace S. A. Smirnov, V. V. Kalaev, S. M. Nehamin, M. M. Krutjanskii, S. N. Kolgatin, I. S. Nehamin
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The critical heat flux under boiling and its dependence on the characteristics of heat-transfer wall I. I. Gogonin
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Temperature field of radioactive isotopes in a porous medium A. I. Filippov, P. N. Mikhailov, D. V. Ivanov
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Investigation of low-temperature plasma generator with divergent channel of the output electrode and some applications of this generator E. Kh. Isakaev, O. A. Sinkevich, A. S. Tyuftyaev, V. F. Chinnov
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Short Communications
A multichannel discharge in conducting liquid at atmospheric pressure L. N. Bagautdinova, F. M. Gaisin
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The localization of energy of high-voltage pulses in a discharge of unipolar breakdown of gas, which is initiated via single coating-electrode I. V. Gerasimov, T. P. Kopeikina, A. K. Suhov
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Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and heat capacity of unsaturated hydrocarbons at pressures up to $200$ MPa Z. I. Zaripov, G. H. Muhamedzjanov, S. A. Bulaev
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Measurement of thermal diffusivity of nuclear engineering materials by the flash method A. B. Kruglov, V. B. Kruglob, A. V. Tenishev
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Excitation of acoustic vibrations under conditions of condensation of moist steam in a heated channel V. R. Pesochin
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