Uniqueness of solutions to initial boundary value problems for parabolic systems in plane bounded domains with nonsmooth lateral boundaries E. A. Baderko, M. F. Cherepova
5 |
Combined multidimensional bicompact scheme with higher order accuracy in domains of influence of nonstationary shock waves M. D. Bragin, B. V. Rogov
9 |
Three-dimensional analogues of the Heath-Brown and Selberg identities V. A. Bykovskii, A. V. Ustinov
14 |
Two-stage method for solving systems of nonlinear equations and its applications to the inverse atmospheric sounding problem V. V. Vasin, G. G. Skorik
17 |
Composition operators on weighted Sobolev spaces and the theory of $\mathscr{Q}_p$-homeomorphisms S. K. Vodopyanov
21 |
An almost exact linear algorithm for transformation of chain-cycle graphs with optimization of the sum of operation costs K. Yu. Gorbunov, V. A. Lyubetskii
26 |
On the chromatic numbers of random hypergraphs Yu. A. Demidovich, D. A. Shabanov
30 |
On the convergence of probabilities of first-order sentences for recursive random graph models M. E. Zhukovskii, Yu. Malyshkin
35 |
Numerical solution of scalar diffraction problems in integral statements on spectra of integral operators A. A. Kashirin, S. I. Smagin
38 |
Kirchhoff index for circulant graphs and its asymptotics A. D. Mednykh, I. A. Mednykh
43 |
Representations of $\zeta(2n+1)$ and related numbers in the form of definite integrals and rapidly convergent series K. M. Mirzoev, T. A. Safonova
48 |
Absence of global periodic solutions for a Schrödinger-type nonlinear evolution equation Sh. M. Nasibov
53 |
On alternating quasipositive links S. Yu. Orevkov
56 |
Bilinear weighted inequalities with two-dimensional operators V. D. Stepanov, G. È. Shambilova
60 |
Adaptive mesh refinement simulations of gas dynamic flows on hybrid meshes S. A. Sukov
64 |
Arithmetic properties of Euler-type series with a Liouvillian polyadic parameter V. G. Chirskii
68 |
3D filtering of images corrupted by additive-multiplicative noise V. F. Kravchenko, V. I. Ponomarev, V. I. Pustovoĭt, A. Palacios-Enriquez
71 |
Double potential method for modeling the internal flow of a viscous incompressible liquid S. V. Polyakov, T. A. Kudryashova, N. I. Tarasov
76 |
Forecasting a cyclical downturn (recession) in the US economy using a mathematical model of Hyman Minsky's theory of financial instability A. A. Akaev, V. A. Sadovnichii
80 |
Explicit solutions for a series of optimization problems with 2-dimensional control via convex trigonometry A. A. Ardentov, L. V. Lokutsievskiy, Yu. L. Sachkov
86 |
Deviation of an object with a striking device from a visibility area of an observer in $\mathbb{R}^3$ V. I. Berdyshev
93 |
An approach to the stabilization problem of a parametrically uncertain linear nonstationary system A. V. Il'in, P. A. Krylov, A. S. Fursov
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New cases of homogeneous integrable systems with dissipation on tangent bundles of two-dimensional manifolds M. V. Shamolin
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