Mechanism of the production of the a0(980) resonance in the γγ → π0η reaction N. N. Achasov, G. N. Shestakov
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Contribution of light-by-light scattering to energy levels of light muonic atoms S. G. Karshenboim, E. Yu. Korzinin, V. G. Ivanov, V. A. Sheluto
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A Detailed analysis and Monte Carlo simulation of the neutron lifetime experiment A. K. Fomin, A. P. Serebrov
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Atomic levels in superstrong magnetic fields and $D=2$ QED of massive electrons: screening M. I. Vysotsky
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On the shape of the gamma resonance spectra of slowly relaxing nanoparticles in a magnetic field M. A. Chuev, V. M. Cherepanov, M. A. Polikarpov
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Dipole moment of a small water cluster. The effect of size, temperature, and electric field D. Yu. Dubov, A. A. Vostrikov
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Pure spin currents generation under quantum wells photoionization O. I. Utesov, G. G. Zegrya, A. A. Greshnov
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Double-occupancy probability and entanglement of two holes in double Ge/Si quantum dots A. I. Yakimov, A. A. Bloshkin, A. V. Dvurechenskii
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On the superconductivity of high-spin transition-metal compounds R. O. Zaitsev
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On the dependence of the lifetime of an atomic cluster on the intensity of its heat exchange with the environment A. I. Podlivaev, K. P. Katin
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Temperature dependence of radiative recombination in CdSe quantum dots with enhanced confinement S. V. Zaitsev, T. Kümmell, G. Bacher, D. Hommel
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Spin splitting in HgTe/CdHgTe (013) quantum well heterostructures K. E. Spirin, A. V. Ikonnikov, A. A. Lastovkin, V. I. Gavrilenko, S. A. Dvoretskii, N. N. Mikhailov
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Local investigation of the energy gap within the incompressible strip in the quantum Hall regime È. V. Devyatov, A. Lorke, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, W. Wegscheider
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Microwave-induced giant oscillations of the magnetoconductivity in 2D electronic corbino disks with capacitance contacts A. A. Bykov, I. V. Marchishin
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