Optimal Recovery on Classes of Functions Analytic in an Annulus O. V. Akopyan, R. R. Akopyan
7 |
Bipartite-threshold graphs and lifting rotations of edges in bipartite graphs V. A. Baranskii, T. A. Senchonok
24 |
Operator Estimates in Two-Dimensional Problems with a Frequent Alternation in the Case of Small Parts with the Dirichlet Condition D. I. Borisov
36 |
Semirings of continuous partial numerical functions with extended addition E.M. Vechtomov, E. N. Lubyagina
56 |
Asymptotics of a Solution to an Optimal Control Problem with Integral Convex Performance Index, Cheap Control, and Initial Data Perturbations A. R. Danilin, A. A. Shaburov
67 |
Solution of a Parabolic Hamilton–Jacobi Type Equation Determined by a Simple Boundary Singularity S. V. Zakharov
77 |
Perturbation of a Simple Wave in a Domain Wall Model L. A. Kalyakin
91 |
Finite Groups with Hereditarily $G$-Permutable Minimal Subgroups S. F. Kamornikov, V. N. Tyutyanov
102 |
On a control synthesis in an enhanced evasion problem for linear discrete-time systems E. K. Kostousova
111 |
Zero-Order Asymptotics for the Solution of One Type of Singularly Perturbed Linear–Quadratic Control Problems in the Critical Case G. A. Kurina, N. T. Hoai
127 |
On an Element-by-Element Description of the Monoid of all Endomorphisms of an Arbitrary Groupoid and One Classification of Endomorphisms of a Groupoid A. V. Litavrin
143 |
Different kinds of tightness on the space of Baire-one functions A. V. Osipov
160 |
On infinite-horizon optimal exploitation of a renewable resource L. I. Rodina, A. V. Chernikova
167 |
Zeros of Solutions of Third-Order L–A Pairs and Linearizable Ordinary Differential Equations B. I. Suleimanov
180 |
Differentially invariant submodels of gas dynamics for the four-dimensional subalgebra of translations S. V. Khabirov
190 |
Existence and uniqueness theorems for one system of integral equations with two nonlinearities Kh. A. Khachatryan, H. S. Petrosyan, M. H. Avetisyan
202 |
Extremal interpolation in the mean with overlapping averaging intervals and the smallest norm of a linear differential operator V. T. Shevaldin
219 |
Block designs, permutation groups and prime values of polynomials G. A. Jones, A. K. Zvonkin
233 |
Finite groups with absolutely $\mathfrak{F}$-subnormal maximal subgroups I. L. Sokhor
254 |
Exact constants in Jackson–Stechkin inequality in $L^{2}$ with a power-law weight T. E. Tileubayev
259 |
To the memory of Irina Dmitrievna Suprunenko V. I. Yanchevskiĭ, A. S. Kondrat'ev, T. S. Busel, A. A. Osinovskaya
280 |