Minkowski space as a basis for a physical theory of gravitation A. A. Logunov, A. A. Vlasov
3 |
Classification of exactly integrable embeddings of two-dimensional manifolds. The coefficients of the third fundamental forms M. V. Saveliev
9 |
Decay of a bound state of A $\mu^+\mu^-$ pair into an $e^+e^-$ Dalitz pair and A photon G. A. Kozlov, S. P. Kuleshov, V. I. Savrin, V. V. Sanadze, N. B. Skachkov
24 |
On the definition of superspace A. S. Schwarz
37 |
Mappings of supermanifolds A. A. Voronov
43 |
The R operation in theories with massless particles S. A. Anikin, V. A. Smirnov
49 |
Critical dynamics as a field theory N. V. Antonov, A. N. Vasil'ev
59 |
Nonperturbative vacuum energy density in two-dimensional scalar models S. K. Karepanov
72 |
Algebras of observables of nearly canonical physical theories. I G. K. Tolokonnikov
87 |
Time asymptotics of the velocity autocorrelation function in the Lorentz model. II V. D. Ozrin
93 |
On the theory of the conductivity of crystals V. F. Los'
107 |
Clustering in condensed media E. D. Belotskii, B. I. Lev
120 |
Normal modes and relaxation processes in magnetically ordered materials with single-ion anisotropy D. A. Garanin, V. S. Lutovinov
133 |
Orientational phase transitions in quantum spin systems with two-component order parameter A. V. Chubukov
145 |
Cluster expansion and spectrum of the transfer matrix of the two-dimensional ising model with strong external field P. V. Khrapov
154 |
Perturbation theory for anharmonic crystals I. P. Bazarov, P. N. Nikolaev
156 |