Possibility of high-temperature phase transitions due to the many-particle nature of the potential R. L. Dobrushin, M. R. Martirosyan
163 |
Expansions with respect to squares, symplectic and poisson structures associated with the Sturm–Liouville problem. II V. A. Arkad'ev, A. K. Pogrebkov, M. K. Polivanov
170 |
Inverse scattering problem on a noncompact graph N. I. Gerasimenko
187 |
Quantization of non-Abelian antisymmetric tensor field A. A. Slavnov, S. A. Frolov
201 |
Approximate analytic solution of a quasipotential equation V. I. Savrin, E. M. Shablygin
212 |
Quantization in the neighborhood of a classical solution in the theory of a Fermi field K. A. Sveshnikov
218 |
Massive Gross–Neveu model in the leading order of the $1/N$ expansion. Allowance for the temperature and the chemical potential K. G. Klimenko
226 |
Borel summation of divergent series in field theory and Wynn's $\varepsilon$ algorithm I. O. Maier
234 |
Coefficient functions of gluon and quark condensates in QCD sum rules for light vector mesons in the two-loop approximation L. R. Surguladze, F. V. Tkachev
245 |
Spontaneous compactification from the point of view of dimensional reduction of gauge fields I. P. Volobuev, Yu. A. Kubyshin
255 |
Self-consistent description of spatial structures in one-dimensional quantum systems at finite temperatures V. V. Beloshapkin, G. P. Berman, A. G. Tret'yakov
267 |
Interaction range perturbation theory for three-particle problem I. V. Simenog, D. V. Shapoval
275 |
A method of calculating the partition function of a system of phonons with allowance for anharmonicit A. O. Melikyan, S. M. Saakyan
288 |
Fokker–Planck equation and allowance for quantum fluctuations in the theory of excitons and biexcitons of high density S. A. Moskalenko, A. Kh. Rotaru, Yu. M. Shvera
295 |
Phonon excitations in multicomponent amorphous solids I. A. Vakarchuk, V. M. Migal', V. M. Tkachuk
306 |
Compact relationships between invariants of the unitary groups $U(n)$ and power sums S. V. Lyudkovskii
316 |