Plasma Investigations
Cross sections of electron-impact excitation of the $^4F^{\circ}$ levels of cobalt atom Yu. M. Smirnov
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Singularities of spectral-brightness characteristics of pulsed radiating surface discharges in dense gases Yu. M. Grishin, N. P. Kozlov, V. V. Kuznetsov
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Radio-frequency magnetron discharge in methane, argon, and methane–argon mixtures S. V. Avtaeva, M. Z. Mamytbekov, D. K. Otorbaev
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Combined effect of impurities of water vapors, potassium and fluorine on the electron number density of air plasma N. N. Pilyugin, V. V. Kuz'menko, E. B. Rudnyi
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
High-temperature kinetics involving clusters. Mathematical model of the kinetics of condensation and dissociation of microparticles as illustrated by the example of iron clusters P. A. Vlasov, I. S. Zaslonko, Yu. K. Karasevich
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Kinetic and hydrodynamic theory of liquids B. V. Alekseev
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Experimental investigation of the calorific properties of $\mathrm{Zr}$–$1\%\,\mathrm{Nb}$ alloy at high temperatures O. S. Korostin, A. V. Nikulina, V. E. Peletskii, I. I. Petrova, N. N. Popov, B. N. Samsonov
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Some results of investigation of the kinetics of thermal decomposition and evaporation of highly superheated materials K. V. Khishchenko, D. A. Rogatkin, D. N. Yundev, I. V. Lomonosov, O. F. Shlenskii
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Shock compression and isentropic expansion of natural uranium M. V. Zhernokletov
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Investigation of three-dimensional nonstationary thermal conductivity in anisotropic bodies, based on analytical solution of the problem V. F. Formalev, O. A. Tyukin
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Assessment of applicability of modern models of turbulence for calculation of natural-convection flows and heat transfer I. A. Bassina, S. A. Lomakin, D. A. Niculin, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur
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Calculation of the thermal effect of the wall on the thermohydraulic stability of a flow of liquid of supercritical parameters Yu. B. Zudin
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Heat transfer from a cylinder and a plate to a liquid with a low Prandtl number A. V. Kashevarov
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Thermal conditions for the formation of a lining slag layer under conditions of melt film flow on a rotating disk M. I. Shilyaev, A. V. Tolstykh, V. È. Borzykh
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Calculation of the flows of one-velocity heterogeneous mixture V. S. Surov
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Special features of gasdynamic and diffusion processes in reactors for deposition of thin films G. G. Gladush, L. G. Kurkina, N. B. Rodionov
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Macrostatistical model describing heat transfer by radiation with due regard for the vibrational-band spectrum. Formulation of the model S. T. Surzhikov
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Vapor-droplet boundary layer on the frontal surface of a hot blunted body A. N. Osiptsov, D. V. Korotkov
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Instability of evaporating surface S. N. Syromyatnikov, P. A. Pavlov
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The calculation and similarity theory of experiment simulating the air-spike effect in hypersonic aerodynamics L. Myrabo, Yu. P. Raizer, M. N. Shneider
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
The equation for a falling-cylinder viscometer V. B. Borisov
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Ballistic heating of propelling gas in a shock tube with a free-moving piston V. M. Shmelev, M. A. Kendall, R. G. Morgan
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The critical properties of thermally unstable substances: Measurement methods, some results and correlations E. D. Nikitin
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Short Communications
Probe measurements of ionization under conditions of flame propagation J. G. Morozov, M. V. Kuznetsov
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Stationary approximation of the transformer discharge E. B. Kulumbaev, V. M. Lelevkin
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On the structure of the temperatures field of a high-frequency induction discharge of atmospheric pressure in the vicinity of the axis of a plasma cluster A. V. Gerasimov, A. P. Kirpichnikov
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Determination of the limiting values of various thermal quantities of materials in terms of fundamental physical constants A. N. Didenko
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Stationary film condensation of saturated vapor on a conical surface under conditions of microgravitation S. A. Kuznetsov, S. G. Cherkasov
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Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Analysis of the process of thermochemical transformations of single particles of high-ash black coal under high pressure Yu. P. Korchevoi, A. Yu. Maistrenko, V. P. Patskov
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International conference on latest trends in thermophysical properties V. E. Fortov
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