Вычислительные методы и приложения
Methods of mesh deformation for FSI problems S. P. Kopysov, I. M. Kuz'min, L. E. Tonkov
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TTDock: a docking method based on tensor train decompositions D. A. Zheltkov, I. V. Oferkin, E. V. Katkova, A. V. Sulimov, V. B. Sulimov, E. E. Tyrtyshnikov
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Virtual dimensions in the docking method based on tensor train decompositions D. A. Zheltkov, E. E. Tyrtyshnikov
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Spatial modeling of breaking effects in nonlinear plasma oscillations S. V. Milyutin, A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov
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The method of collocations and least residuals for three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations V. P. Shapeev, E. V. Vorozhtsov, V. I. Isaev, S. V. Idimeshev
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An algorithm of high performance modeling of optical nanocoating deposition processes G. F. Grigor'ev, I. V. Kochikov, O. A. Kondakova, V. B. Sulimov, A. V. Tikhonravov
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Highly dispersed medium sedimentation from air under pressure forces K. I. Mikhailenko, Yu. R. Valeeva
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Implementation of parallel calculations on graphics processor units in the LOGOS computational fluid dynamics package K. N. Volkov, Yu. N. Deryugin, V. N. Emelyanov, A. G. Karpenko, A. S. Kozelkov, P. G. Smirnov, I. V. Teterina
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A problem of synthesis of nano-optical elements for the formation of dynamic images A. A. Goncharsky, S. R. Durlevich
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A modification of the PIC method with adaptive mass: the interaction of a laser pulse and a plasma T. V. Snytnikova, G. I. Dudnikova, V. A. Vshivkov
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Use of graphics cards and coprocessors for solving filtration problems K. Yu. Bogachev, A. S. Bogaty, A. P. Lapin
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Modified two-step Levenberg-Marquardt methods in the hydraulic conductivity identification problem A. V. Elesin, A. Sh. Kadyrova
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Implementation of the lattice Boltzmann method without stored distribution functions on GPU D. A. Bikulov, D. S. Senin
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A three-level MPI+NUMA+Threads method for constructing parallel programs to solve hydrodynamic problems for cluster systems with multiprocessor NUMA nodes K. Yu. Bogachev, Ya. V. Zhabitskiy, A. A. Klimovsky, A. R. Mirgasimov, A. E. Semenko
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A finite-difference scheme for the system of atmosphere dynamics-type equations M. Yu. Stanichenko
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The dynamic map of a chromatographic system as a tool to study time-dependent processes in the high-performance liquid chromatography A. G. Prudkovskii
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Numerical modeling of meter-size solid dynamics in high density solitary areas of a massive circumstellar disc O. P. Stoyanovskaya, V. N. Snytnikov
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Parallelization in the vortex method for solving aerodynamic problems A. A. Aparinov, A. V. Setukha
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Mathematical simulation of gravitational liquid film flow on a vertical surface with fins O. B. Butusov, Ya. M. Zhileikin, A. B. Kukarkin, O. P. Nikifiorova
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A system for the automated finding of inefficiencies and errors in parallel programs D. Yu. Andreev, A. S. Antonov, Vad. V. Voevodin, S. A. Zhumatii, D. A. Nikitenko, K. S. Stefanov, P. A. Shvets
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Workload balancing in GPU implementation of breadth-first search M. A. Chernoskutov, D. G. Ermakov
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A clipping method when rasterizing complex objects S. A. Karpukhin
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Dynamic load balancing in the PICADOR plasma simulation code S. Bastrakov, I. Meyerov, I. A. Surmin, A. A. Gonoskov, E. S. Efimenko, A. S. Malyshev, M. A. Shiryaev
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An accelerated topology change algorithm for the contour advection method A. A. Baranov, M. S. Permyakov
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A framework for the ocean-ice-atmosphere-land coupled modeling on massively-parallel architectures V. V. Kalmykov, R. A. Ibrayev
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Models and methods for the profiling and execution time estimation of workflows in supercomputing systems G. I. Radchenko, L. B. Sokolinskii, A. V. Shamakina
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