On the number of $OE$-trails for a fixed transition system T. A. Makarovskikh
5 |
About the unsolvability of Schwarz's task for some types of matrices V. G. Nikolaev
13 |
Weak and generalized with random variable solutions of stochastic Ñauchy problem with additive white noise O. S. Starkova
19 |
Normed systems and their application to the solutions of differential equations of fractional order B. Kh. Turmetov
28 |
The modeling of loss in stability of a heavy rod placed on a rigid basis Yu. I. Dorogov
34 |
Method of averaging for the tasks on longitudinal impact of variable section rods G. M. Ulitin, S. N. Tsarenko
43 |
Modeling of convection in the liquid drop by its evaporation using finite element method V. G. Rechkalov
49 |
Short communications
Homogeneous Dirichlet–Riquier problem for inhomogeneous biharmonic equation in a ball I. A. Gulyashikh
57 |
Martensite tempering during fast heating D. A. Mirzaev, A. A. Mirzoev, P. V. Chirkov
61 |
Valery Valentinovich Karachik. To the 60$^{\mathrm{th}}$ anniversary V. M. Adukov, V. L. Dilman, V. I. Zalyapin, L. D. Menikhes, E. V. Kharitonova
66 |
Anatoliy Semenovich Makarov. To the 70$^{\mathrm{th}}$ anniversary S. A. Zagrebina, V. I. Zalyapin, M. M. Kipnis, S. V. Korzhakova, G. A. Sviridyuk
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