Viscoelastic Love waves in a layered structure with a weak lateral inhomogeneity A. V. Aref'ev, A. P. Kiselev
7 |
Propagation of waves along weakly nonhomogeneous in the horisontal direction and slowly bent anisotropic elastic layer V. M. Babich
12 |
Equivalent body forces for jumps of stresses and displacements in Biot model of anisotropic porous medium A. V. Bakulin
33 |
On a triangular factorization of positive operators M. I. Belishev, A. B. Pushnitskii
45 |
Far field excited by moving oscillating source in resonance case V. A. Borovikov
61 |
High frequency wave field of the source moving in the wavequide V. S. Buldyrev, A. V. Sokolov, A. S. Starkov
71 |
The second approximation of the ray method for calculation of the intensity of the wave front in isotropic
nonhomogeneous elastic media N. Ya. Kirpichnikova
79 |
Diffraction of the whispering gallery waves near the line of the curvature jump N. Ya. Kirpichnikova, V. B. Philippov
95 |
Representation of the Rayleigh wave equations in the Sturm–Liouville form S. G. Kiselev, V. M. Markushevich
110 |
On the nature of “quasiphotons” A. P. Kiselev, M. V. Perel'
117 |
To the problem of mapping of the deep cracked zones by seismic observations P. V. Krauklis, L. A. Krauklis
123 |
The application of the matrix Riemann problem to the investigation of normal waves excitation in an acoustic
waveguide by a piston radiator V. D. Luk'yanov
129 |
On the scattering by a matrix potential with a symplectic structure V. M. Markushevich
133 |
The effective models of the stratified media containing porous Biot layers L. A. Molotkov, A. V. Bakulin
140 |
The jumps of displacements and stresses as seismic sources in Biot medium L. A. Molotkov, A. V. Bakulin
164 |
A system of linked resonators in cochlea S. M. Novoselova
197 |
Transparent boundaries for the parabolic wave equation A. V. Popov
211 |
On recovering of the density in the plane domain from incomplete spectral data A. S. Starkov
218 |
Construction of algorithms of the reconstruction tomography V. N. Troyan, G. A. Ryzhikov
225 |
Inverse problem on determining a source in the stationary transport equation on a Riemannian manifold V. A. Sharafutdinov
236 |
Love waves of SH type in an inhomogeneous transversely-isotropic elastic medium Z. A. Yanson
243 |