Dual methods for finding equilibriums in mixed models of flow distribution in large transportation networks A. V. Gasnikov, E. V. Gasnikova, Yu. E. Nesterov
1447 |
Numerical solution to a system of differential equations for probability measures A. I. Noarov
1455 |
Immersed boundary method for numerical simulation of inviscid compressible flows I. V. Abalakin, N. S. Zhdanova, T. K. Kozubskaya
1462 |
Stability of stationary solutions of the radiative heat transfer equations G. V. Grenkin, A. Yu. Chebotarev
1472 |
Hybrid dissipation scheme as applied to computational aeroacoustics Yu. N. Deryugin, Ya. V. Emel'yanova, R. N. Zhuchkov, A. A. Utkina
1478 |
Monotonicity of the CABARET scheme approximating a hyperbolic system of conservation laws O. A. Kovyrkina, V. V. Ostapenko
1488 |
CABARET scheme as applied to numerical approximation of two-fluid flow equations E. V. Usov, V. I. Chukhno
1505 |
$H$-theorem for continuous- and discrete-time chemical kinetic systems and a system of nucleosynthesis equations S. Z. Adzhiev, V. V. Vedenyapin, S. S. Filippov
1517 |
Locally one-dimensional difference schemes for parabolic equations in media possessing memory Z. V. Beshtokova, M. M. Lafisheva, M. Kh. Shkhanukov-Lafishev
1531 |
Construction of divergence forms of conservation equations for a diatomic gas using a model kinetic equation I. A. Kostromin, V. A. Rykov
1543 |
Analytic-numerical investigation of combustion in a nonlinear medium M. O. Korpusov, D. V. Lukyanenko, A. D. Nekrasov
1553 |
Analytical solution of a plasma oscillation problem in a half-space subject to diffusive boundary conditions A. V. Latyshev, S. Sh. Suleimanova
1564 |
Mixed problem for a homogeneous wave equation with a nonzero initial velocity A. P. Khromov
1583 |