Полная версия
Арабаджиев Тодор Николаев


Основные темы научной работы:

Нелинейная оптика

Основные публикации:
  1. I. M. Uzunov, T. N. Arabadzhev, Zh. D. Georgiev, “Self-frequency shift and nonlinear interaction of equilibrium and pulsating solutions in the presence of linear and nonlinear gain, spectral filtering, and intrapulse Raman scattering”, Optical Quantum Electronics, 2015  crossref
  2. I. M. Uzunov, T. N. Arabadzhev, Zh. D. Georgiev, “Influence of higher-order effects on pulsating solutions, stationary solutions and moving fronts in the presence of linear and nonlinear gain/loss and spectral filtering”, Optical Fiber Technology, 2015  crossref
  3. I. M. Uzunov, T. N. Arabadzhev, Zh. D. Georgiev, “Time shift in the presence of linear and nonlinear gain, spectral filtering, third-order of dispersion and self-steepening effect”, Proc. SPIE, 9447 (2015), 94471G  crossref
  4. I. M. Uzunov, Zh. D. Georiev, T. N. Arabadzhiev, “Influence of intrapulse Raman scattering on stationary pulses in the presence of linear and nonlinear gain as well as spectral filtering”, Physical Review E, 90 (2014), 042906  crossref
  5. I. M. Uzunov, T. N. Arabadzhiev, “Suppression of the soliton self-frequency shift and compression in the presence of bandwidth-limited amplification”, Physical Review E, 84 (2011), 026607  crossref

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