Полная версия
Xia Zhinan
доктор наук

Специальность ВАК: 01.01.02 (дифференциальные уравнения, динамические системы и оптимальное управление)
Ключевые слова: Almost periodic, Almost automorphic, Fractional differential equations.

Основные темы научной работы:

Differential Equations

Основные публикации:
  1. Zhinan Xia, Meng Fan, “Weighted Stepanov-like pseudo almost automorphy and applications”, Nonlinear Analysis, 75 (2012), 2378–2397  crossref  mathscinet
  2. Zhinan Xia, “Weighted pseudo almost automorphic solutions of hyperbolic semilinear integro-differential equations”, Nonlinear Analysis, 95 (2014), 50–65  crossref  mathscinet
  3. Zhinan Xia, “Weighted pseudo periodic solutions of neutral functional differential equations”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2014 (2014), 1–17  mathscinet
  4. Dingjiang Wang, Zhinan Xia, “Pseudo almost automorphic solution of semilinear fractional differential equations with the Caputo derivatives”, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 18 (2015), 951–971  mathscinet
  5. Zhinan Xia, “Pseudo asymptotically periodic solutions of two-term time fractional differential equations with delay”, Kodai Mathematical Journal, 38 (2015), 310–332  crossref  mathscinet

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