Contact Geometry and Symmetry Analysis of Differential Equations
Основные публикации:
Nadjafikhah M., Hejazi S.R., “Differential Invariants of SL(2) and SL(3)-Action on $R^2$”, Mathematical Sciences, 1:3 (2007), 75–84
Nadjafikhah M., Hejazi S.R., “Lie Symmetries and Solutions of KdV Equation”, International Mathematical Forum, 4:4 (2009), 165–176
Hejazi S.R., “Classification of Lie Subalgebras up to an Inner Automorphism”, Journal of Algebraic Systems, 1:2 (2013), 117–133
Lashkarian E., Hejazi S.R., “Group Analysis of the Fractional Generalized Diffusion Equation”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 479 (2017), 572–579
Lashkarian E., Hejazi S.R., “Exact solutions of a linear fractional partial differential equation via characteristics method”, Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 6(1) (2018), 12–18