Специальность ВАК:
05.13.18 (математическое моделирование, численные методы и комплексы программ)
Дата рождения:
Телефон: 00989113330785
Факс: 00981333447060
E-mail: Ключевые слова: performance measurement,
productivity analysis.
Основные темы научной работы:
Applied mathematics, Operations research
Основные публикации:
Amirteimoori and Kordrostami, “A distance-based measure of super efficiency in DEA”, Research paper, Journal of Global Optimization, 54:1 (2012), 117–128
Amirteimoori and Kordrostami, “A distance-based measure of super efficiency in DEA”, Research paper, Journal of Global Optimization, 54:1 (2012), 117–128
Amirteimoori and Kordrostami, “Optimal input/output reduction in production process”, Decision support systems, 52:2 (2012), 742–747
Amirteimoori, Matin and Khoshandam, “Marginal rates of substitution in data envelopment analysis with undesirable outputs: A directional approach”, MEASUREMENT, 68:1 (2015), 49–57
Amirteimoori, “An extended transportation problem: A DEA-based approach”, Central European Journal of Operations Research,, 19:2 (2010), 513–521