Комбинаторика, теория представлений, дискретная математика, математическая экономика, статистика.
Основные публикации:
Combinatorics of $A_2$-crystals, J. of Algebra, 310 (2007), 218–234 (with
V. Danilov and A. Karzanov).
Matroids on convex geometries (cg-matroids), Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007), 1936–1950 (with S. Fujishige and Y. Sano).
Массивы и комбинаторика таблиц Юнга, Успехи математических наук, 60:2 (2005), 79–142 (с В. И. Даниловым).
Mathematics of Plott choice functions.
Mathematical Social Sciences, 49 (2005), 245–272 (with V. I. Danilov).
Discrete Convexity and Unimodularity. I. Advances in Mathematics, 189 (2004), 301–324 (with V. I. Danilov).
Дискретная выпуклость и эрмитовы операторы. Труды МИРАН, том 241 (2003), 68–90 (с В. И. Даниловым).
Equilibria in Economies with Indivisible Goods and Money, Mathematical Social Sciences, 41 (2001), 251&ndah;273 (with V. I. Danilov and K. Murota).
Choice functions and abstract convex geometries, Mathematical Social Sciences, 38 (1999), 35–44.
Equilibrium in an economy of information goods, in Markets, Information and Uncertainty (ed. G. Chichilnisky), Cambridge University Press, 1999, 26–44 (with V. I. Danilov and A. I. Sotskov).
Zonoid trimming for multivariate distributions, The Annals of Statistics, 25 (1997), 1998–2017 (with K. Mosler).
Multivariate Lorenz majorization, Social Choice and Welfare, 12 (1995), 93–102.