Суперсимметричная квантовая механика; интегрируемость квантовых и классических систем.
Основные публикации:
M. V. Ioffe, S. Kuru, J. Negro, L. M. Nieto.
"SUSY approach to Pauli Hamiltonians with an axial symmetry",
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 39 (2006) 6987–7001.
M. V. Ioffe, J. Mateos Guilarte, P. A. Valinevich. "Two-dimensional supersymmetry: From SUSY quantum mechanics to integrable classical models", Ann. Phys., 321 (2006) 2552–2565.
M. V. Ioffe. "SUSY-approach for investigation of two-dimensional quantum mechanical systems",
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 37 (2004) 10363–10374.
F. Cannata, M. V. Ioffe, D. N. Nishnianidze. "New methods for two-dimensional Schroedinger equation: SUSY-separation of variables and shape-invariance", J. Phys. A:
Math.Gen., 35 (2002) 1389–1404.