Three-Hilbert-Space Formulation of Quantum Mechanics Miloslav Znojil
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Multicomponent Burgers and KP Hierarchies, and Solutions from a Matrix Linear System Aristophanes Dimakis, Folkert Müller-Hoissen
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Quiver Varieties and Branching Hiraku Nakajima
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Remarks on Multi-Dimensional Conformal Mechanics Cestmír Burdík, Armen Nersessian
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Generalized Nonanalytic Expansions, $\mathcal{PT}$-Symmetry and Large-Order Formulas for Odd Anharmonic Oscillators Ulrich D. Jentschura, Andrey Surzhykov, Jean Zinn-Justin
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Heisenberg-Type Families in $U_q(\widehat{sl_2})$ Alexander Zuevsky
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On the Spectrum of a Discrete Non-Hermitian Quantum System Ebru Ergun
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Structure Theory for Second Order 2D Superintegrable Systems with 1-Parameter Potentials Ernest G. Kalnins, Jonathan M. Kress, Willard Miller Jr., Sarah Post
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Self-Consistent-Field Method and $\tau$-Functional Method on Group Manifold in Soliton Theory: a Review and New Results Seiya Nishiyama, João da Providência, Constança Providência, Flávio Cordeiro, Takao Komatsu
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The Rational qKZ Equation and Shifted Non-Symmetric Jack Polynomials Saburo Kakei, Michitomo Nishizawa, Yoshihisa Saito, Yoshihiro Takeyama
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On Integrability of a Special Class of Two-Component (2+1)-Dimensional Hydrodynamic-Type Systems Maxim V. Pavlov, Ziemowit Popowicz
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Hecke–Clifford Algebras and Spin Hecke Algebras IV: Odd Double Affine Type Ta Khongsap, Weiqiang Wang
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Derivations of the Moyal Algebra and Noncommutative Gauge Theories Jean-Christophe Wallet
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Simple Finite Jordan Pseudoalgebras Pavel Kolesnikov
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The Group of Quasisymmetric Homeomorphisms of the Circle and Quantization of the Universal Teichmüller Space Armen G. Sergeev
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Imaginary Powers of the Dunkl Harmonic Oscillator Adam Nowak, Krzysztof Stempak
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Comments on the Dynamics of the Pais–Uhlenbeck Oscillator Andrei V. Smilga
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Inverse Spectral Problems for Tridiagonal $N$ by $N$ Complex Hamiltonians Gusein Sh. Guseinov
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Besov-Type Spaces on $\mathbb R^d $ and Integrability for the Dunkl Transform Chokri Abdelkefi, Jean-Philippe Anker, Feriel Sassi, Mohamed Sifi
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Discrete Cocompact Subgroups of the Five-Dimensional Connected and Simply Connected Nilpotent Lie Groups Amira Ghorbel, Hatem Hamrouni
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Toeplitz Quantization and Asymptotic Expansions: Geometric Construction Miroslav Englis, Harald Upmeier
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Conformal Killing–Yano Tensors on Manifolds with Mixed 3-Structures Stere Ianus, Mihai Visinescu, Gabriel Eduard Vîlcu
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Nonlinear Dirac Equations Wei Khim Ng, Rajesh R. Parwani
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Bäcklund Transformations for First and Second Painlevé Hierarchies Ayman Hashem Sakka
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Inversion Formulas for the Spherical Radon–Dunkl Transform Zhongkai Li, Futao Song
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Induced Modules for Affine Lie Algebras Vyacheslav Futorny, Iryna Kashuba
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$q$-Wakimoto Modules and Integral Formulae of Solutions of the Quantum Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov Equations Kazunori Kuroki
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Hochschild Cohomology and Deformations of Clifford–Weyl Algebras Ian M. Musson, Georges Pinczon, Rosane Ushirobira
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Limits of Gaudin Systems: Classical and Quantum Cases Alexander Chervov, Gregorio Falqui, Leonid Rybnikov
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Nonlocal Operational Calculi for Dunkl Operators Ivan H. Dimovski, Valentin Z. Hristov
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Differential and Functional Identities for the Elliptic Trilogarithm Ian A. B. Strachan
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Vector Fields on the Space of Functions Univalent Inside the Unit Disk via Faber Polynomials Helene Airault
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Elliptic Hypergeometric Laurent Biorthogonal Polynomials with a Dense Point Spectrum on the Unit Circle Satoshi Tsujimoto, Alexei Zhedanov
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Homological Algebra and Divergent Series Vassily Gorbounov, Vadim Schechtman
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Hypergeometric $\tau$-Functions of the $q$-Painlevé System of Type $E_7^{(1)}$ Tetsu Masuda
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Three Natural Generalizations of Fedosov Quantization Klaus Bering
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Hilbert Transforms Associated with Dunkl–Hermite Polynomials Néjib Ben Salem, Taha Samaali
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Elliptic Hypergeometric Solutions to Elliptic Difference Equations Alphonse P. Magnus
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Intertwining Symmetry Algebras of Quantum Superintegrable Systems Juan A. Calzada, Javier Negro, Mariano A. del Olmo
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Middle Convolution and Heun's Equation Kouichi Takemura
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A First Order $q$-Difference System for the $BC_1$-Type Jackson Integral and Its Applications Masahiko Ito
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A Lax Formalism for the Elliptic Difference Painlevé Equation Yasuhiko Yamada
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The Analytic Continuation of the Lippmann–Schwinger Eigenfunctions, and Antiunitary Symmetries Rafael de la Madrid
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Quantum Symmetries for Exceptional $\mathrm{SU}(4)$ Modular Invariants Associated with Conformal Embeddings Robert Coquereaux, Gil Schieber
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The Explicit Construction of Einstein Finsler Metrics with Non-Constant Flag Curvature Enli Guo, Xiaohuan Mo, Xianqiang Zhang
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Point Canonical Transformation versus Deformed Shape Invariance for Position-Dependent Mass Schrödinger Equations Christiane Quesne
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$\mathcal{PT}$ Symmetry and QCD: Finite Temperature and Density Michael C. Ogilvie, Peter N. Meisinger
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Singularities of Affine Schubert Varieties Jochen Kuttler, Venkatramani Lakshmibai
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Hilbert–Schmidt Operators vs. Integrable Systems of Elliptic Calogero–Moser Type. III. The Heun Case Simon N. M. Ruijsenaars
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Partial Sums of Two Quartic $q$-Series Wenchang Chu, Chenying Wang
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Algebraic Topology Foundations of Supersymmetry and Symmetry Breaking in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity: A Review Ion C. Baianu, James F. Glazebrook, Ronald Brown
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Determinantal Representation of the Time-Dependent Stationary Correlation Function for the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Model Nikolay M. Bogolyubov
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An Alternative Canonical Approach to the Ghost Problem in a Complexified Extension of the Pais–Uhlenbeck Oscillator A. Déctor, H. A. Morales-Técotl, L. F. Urrutia, J. D. Vergara
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Kernel Functions for Difference Operators of Ruijsenaars Type and Their Applications Yasushi Komori, Masatoshi Noumi, Jun'ichi Shiraishi
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Theta Functions, Elliptic Hypergeometric Series, and Kawanaka's Macdonald Polynomial Conjecture Robin Langer, Michael J. Schlosser, S. Ole Warnaar
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Quantum Probability, Renormalization and Infinite-Dimensional $*$-Lie Algebras Luigi Accardi, Andreas Boukas
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Dunkl Operators and Canonical Invariants of Reflection Groups Arkady Berenstein, Yurii Burman
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Extension Phenomena for Holomorphic Geometric Structures Benjamin McKay
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Basic Hypergeometric Functions as Limits of Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions Fokko J. van de Bult, Eric M. Rains
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Classification of Finite Dimensional Modular Lie Superalgebras with Indecomposable Cartan Matrix Sofiane Bouarroudj, Pavel Grozman, Dimitry Leites
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Cartan Connections and Lie Algebroids Michael Crampin
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On the Moore Formula of Compact Nilmanifolds H. Hamrouni
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Non-Hamiltonian Actions and Lie-Algebra Cohomology of Vector Fields Roberto Ferreiro Pérez, Jaime Muñoz Masqué
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Hidden Symmetry from Supersymmetry in One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics Alexander A. Andrianov, Andrey V. Sokolov
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Monopoles and Modifications of Bundles over Elliptic Curves Andrey M. Levin, Mikhail A. Olshanetsky, Andrei V. Zotov
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Holonomy and Projective Equivalence in 4-Dimensional Lorentz Manifolds Graham S. Hall, David P. Lonie
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Symplectic Applicability of Lagrangian Surfaces Emilio Musso, Lorenzo Nicolodi
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Boundaries of Graphs of Harmonic Functions D. Fox
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Non-Hermitian Quantum Systems and Time-Optimal Quantum Evolution Alexander I. Nesterov
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On Brane Solutions Related to Non-Singular Kac–Moody Algebras Vladimir D. Ivashchuk, Vitaly N. Melnikov
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Inversion of the Dual Dunkl–Sonine Transform on $\mathbb R$ Using Dunkl Wavelets Mohamed Ali Mourou
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Clifford Fibrations and Possible Kinematics Alan S. McRae
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On Linear Differential Equations Involving a Para-Grassmann Variable Toufik Mansour, Matthias Schork
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Deformation Quantization of Poisson Structures Associated to Lie Algebroids Nikolai Neumaier, Stefan Waldmann
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Image Sampling with Quasicrystals Mark Grundland, Jirí Patera, Zuzana Masáková, Neil A. Dodgson
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The Symmetrical $H_q$-Semiclassical Orthogonal Polynomials of Class One Abdallah Ghressi, Lotfi Khériji
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On the Structure of Lie Pseudo-Groups Peter J. Olver, Juha Pohjanpelto, Francis Valiquette
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On Spinor Varieties and Their Secants Laurent Manivel
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About Twistor Spinors with Zero in Lorentzian Geometry Felipe Leitner
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Symmetric Space Cartan Connections and Gravity in Three and Four Dimensions Derek K. Wise
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Conformal Structures Associated to Generic Rank 2 Distributions on 5-Manifolds – Characterization and Killing-Field Decomposition Matthias Hammerl, Katja Sagerschnig
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Higher Order Connections Michael G. Eastwood
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Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics with Minimal Length Uncertainty T. K. Jana, P. Roy
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Solvable Rational Potentials and Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics Christiane Quesne
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Cryptohermitian Picture of Scattering Using Quasilocal Metric Operators Miloslav Znojil
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Natural Intrinsic Geometrical Symmetries Stefan Haesen, Leopold Verstraelen
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Variations of Hodge Structure Considered as an Exterior Differential System: Old and New Results Mark Green, James Carlson, Phillip Griffiths
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Trigonometric Solutions of WDVV Equations and Generalized Calogero–Moser–Sutherland Systems Misha V. Feigin
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Comment on “Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics with Minimal Length Uncertainty” Bijan Bagchi, Andreas Fring
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Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory in Terms of Operator Product Expansions: General Framework, and Perturbation Theory via Hochschild Cohomology Stefan Hollands
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A Method for Weight Multiplicity Computation Based on Berezin Quantization David Bar-Moshe
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Existence and Construction of Vessiot Connections Dirk Fesser, Werner M. Seiler
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Compact Riemannian Manifolds with Homogeneous Geodesics Dmitrii V. Alekseevskii, Yurii G. Nikonorov
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On Tanaka's Prolongation Procedure for Filtered Structures of Constant Type Igor Zelenko
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Geometry of Control-Affine Systems Jeanne N. Clelland, Christopher G. Moseley, George R. Wilkens
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Factor-Group-Generated Polar Spaces and (Multi-)Qudits Hans Havlicek, Boris Odehnal, Metod Saniga
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Indefinite Affine Hyperspheres Admitting a Pointwise Symmetry. Part 2 Christine Scharlach
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Contact Geometry of Curves Peter J. Vassiliou
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Geometric Structures on Spaces of Weighted Submanifolds Brian Lee
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Multisymplectic Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formalisms of Classical Field Theories Narciso Román-Roy
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On a Whitham-Type Equation Sergei Sakovich
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Singularity Classes of Special 2-Flags Piotr Mormul
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Isomorphism of Intransitive Linear Lie Equations Jose Miguel Martins Veloso
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Bethe Ansatz Solutions to Quasi Exactly Solvable Difference Equations Ryu Sasaki, Wen-Li Yang, Yao-Zhong Zhang
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Noncommutative Root Space Witt, Ricci Flow, and Poisson Bracket Continual Lie Algebras Alexander Zuevsky
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Wigner Quantization of Hamiltonians Describing Harmonic Oscillators Coupled by a General Interaction Matrix Gilles Regniers, Joris Van der Jeugt
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On Projective Equivalence of Univariate Polynomial Subspaces Peter Crooks, Robert Milson
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T-Systems and Y-Systems for Quantum Affinizations of Quantum Kac–Moody Algebras Atsuo Kuniba, Tomoki Nakanishi, Junji Suzuki
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Auxiliary Linear Problem, Difference Fay Identities and Dispersionless Limit of Pfaff–Toda Hierarchy Kanehisa Takasaki
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Manin Matrices, Quantum Elliptic Commutative Families and Characteristic Polynomial of Elliptic Gaudin Model Vladimir Rubtsov, Alexey Silantyev, Dmitri Talalaev
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Second-Order Conformally Equivariant Quantization in Dimension $1|2$ Najla Mellouli
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