Mathematical problems of control theory
Modification of the multichannel Levinson recursion V. V. Klimchenko
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Analysis and synthesis of control systems
Automatic search for settings of PI- and PID-regulators optimal with respect to the degree of stability N. M. Bobrikov, I. K. Denisov, S. I. Kyznetsov, A. M. Shubladze
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$H_\infty$ power system emergency management. Part II: synthesis of the robust regulator for power system management A. P. Kurdyukov, V. N. Timin
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Control in the socio-economic systems
Estimation of influence of government order on the reproduction of gross domestic product V. B. Gusev, A. V. Kosjanenko
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Techniques and algorithms for estimation of backlog reimburse reserve in a social insurance system Yu. M. Gladkov, V. L. Martynov, A. B. Shelkov
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The estimation of components of control effectiveness for some countries based on the method of “passive” experiment V. G. Kleparskiy
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Technical efficiency and estimation of an expected production volume in the view of the stochastic frontier
production function concept A. V. Barminsky
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Regional polymeric complex development on the basis of cluster method (by the example of Samara region) S. Yu. Jagudin, L. Yu. Dubov
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Control the moving objects
The algorithm of parameter adaptation of a base orientation control law for a large space structure on the base of flexible modes envelope estimation A. V. Silaev
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Improvement of power characteristics of liquid-propellant rockets by means of automatic control. Part II: onboard
fuel consumption control systems A. Ya. Andrienko, V. P. Ivanov
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Control of medicobiologic systems
Algorithmic and software support for atherosclerosis diagnostics information system R. A. Faizrahmanov, A. V. Kichkin
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Vladislav Yulevich Rutkovsky (on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary)
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XVI International Conference “Complex Systems Safety Control Problems” A. B. Shelkov
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“Innovation management – 2008”: innovation processes on the brink of economic crisis R. M. Nizhegorodtsev
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