Plasma Investigations
Recombination kinetics of atomic ions in dense low-temperature nonisothermal plasmas A. A. Kudryavtsev, A. G. Nikitin
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Measurement of the charged-particle density in combustion-product plasmas by electric probes V. F. Kosov, V. I. Molotkov, A. P. Nefedov
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Estimating the rates of inelastic reactions from current-voltage characteristics L. M. Volkova, A. A. Kuzovnikov, M. A. Mal'kov
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Calculation of the parameters of the cathode stream of an arc discharge I. I. Beilis, M. P. Zektser
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Electro-optical and thermal characteristics of dense pulsed discharge plasmas in inert gases V. E. Gavrilov, T. V. Gavrilova
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Modulation of the current in a nitrogen discharge by sound M. A. Antinyan, G. A. Galechyan, L. B. Tavakalyan
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Dynamics of plasma flares produced by subnanosecond radiation pulses N. V. Bugrov, N. S. Zakharov, N. I. Shentsev
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Decay of $\mathrm{SF}_6$ plasmas after nanosecond breakdown R. Kh. Amirov, E. I. Asinovskii, S. V. Kostyuchenko
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
A model of independently growing crystallites for describing the kinetics of formation of pyrographite A. O. Erkimbaev, V. I. Mika, A. M. Semenov
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Thermodynamics of an electron fluid within the density functional method G. V. Sin'ko
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Thermodynamics of the congruent vaporization of nonstoichiometric refractory compounds A. I. Gusev
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Measurement of the diffusivity of tungsten by the method of periodic impulsive heating M. M. Yakunkin
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Sonic velocity in liquid primary normal alcohols T. S. Khasanshin
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Theoretical-experimental studies of the interaction of a high-intensity flow of radiant heat with a material V. N. Mirskii, V. P. Stulov, V. A. Tlevtsezhev
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Mathematical modeling of unsteady temperature fields in multilayered structures with allowance for ablation and the kinetics of thermal dissociation A. A. Polyakov, A. G. Tsitsin, T. P. Yaroslavtseva
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Evaluating the stability of boiling regimes by means of the Lyapunov functional S. A. Kovalev, S. V. Usatikov
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Two-phase flows at supersonic velocities O. A. Povarov, V. A. Filippenko
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Effect of the condensation coefficient on the rapid evaporation of superheated drops A. V. Butkovskii
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Experimental and theoretical study of photophoresis in a low-density gas A. I. Bogolepov, G. P. Bystrai, S. A. Beresnev, V. G. Chernyak, G. A. Fomyagin
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Percolation mechanism of initiation and development of a boiling crisis on surfaces with porous coatings S. P. Malyshenko, A. B. Andrianov, M. N. Makeev
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Boiling of liquid solutions saturated with gases Yu. V. Trofimov, V. B. Omel'yanchenko, A. P. Nikitin
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Turbulent momentum transfer in a bubble layer A. A. Avdeev, V. P. Drobkov, N. S. Khalmé
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Vibrational relaxation time at high temperatures and its effect on heat exchange V. G. Scherback
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Thermal conditions and systematic error for a cavity radiometer used with piecewise-homogeneous approximation for absorption by the inner wall V. I. Polevoi, L. A. Nazarenko, L. P. Vershinina
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Nonstationary modes in a Faraday MHD generator containing a two-phase working body N. L. Aitov, V. A. Zeigarnik, L. K. Kovalev, S. M.-A. Koneev, V. N. Poltavets, V. Yu. Rikman
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Far-IR laser diagnostics of low-temperature plasma D. N. Yundev
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Short Communications
О слоях объемного заряда в области сужения разряда в ртути T. Kh. Guseinov, A. Kh. Muradov
821 |
Исследование динамической вязкости алифатических спиртов вблизи линии фазового равновесия жидкость – пар Ya. M. Naziev, A. N. Shakhverdiev, T. Sh. Abdullaev
823 |
Кинетика высокотемпературного процесса уплотнения структуры в аэрогелях B. M. Smirnov
825 |
Электронный аспект лазерной химии твердого тела: фотовоздействие при высоких температурах D. T. Alimov, V. Ya. Gol'dman, A. I. Omel'chenko, S. A. Ubaidullaev, A. Kh. Khaidarov
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Письмо в редакцию A. Temkin
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Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Теплофизические свойства никелевых сплавов, имеющих разную структуру расплава перед кристаллизацией (№ 1892-В-91 Деп. от 08.05.1991) V. E. Sidorov, I. V. Vandysheva, F. A. Tyutrin, B. A. Baum, G. V. Tyagunov
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