Features of forming holograms of periodic structures in noncoherent light with a reference diffraction grating N. T. Avlasevich, A. M. Lyalikov
7 |
Energy performances of the vector cartesian Kummer beams with transferable terminating power S. S. Girgel
13 |
Multijunction solar cells based on GaInN/GaN/GaInP/GaAs/Si/InGaAsP A. K. Esman, G. L. Zykov, V. A. Potachits
18 |
Generation of sum-frequency waves in the surface layer of a spherical particle V. N. Kapshai, E. D. Golovin, A. A. Shamyna
22 |
Forced vibrations of a three-layer step-variable thickness circular plate under impact M. V. Markova
28 |
Determination of the parameters of two-beam laser cleaning of quartz raw materials using artificial neural networks and the finite element method Yu. V. Nikitjuk, E. B. Shershnev, S. I. Sokolov, I. Y. Aushev
37 |
The study of the microwave magnetron pulse power supply electrical parameters influence on the microwave discharge plasma generation modes O. I. Tikhon, S. I. Madveika, S. I. Bordusau
42 |
Parametric analysis of a cylindrical hyperlens with subwavelength resolution for THz waves Iv. A. Fanyaev, Ig. A. Fanyaev, S. A. Khakhomov
48 |
Optimization of parameters of absorbing metamaterials based on $\Pi$-shaped elements S. A. Khakhomov, A. L. Samofalov, Yu. V. Nikitjuk, I. V. Semchenko, I. Y. Aushev
56 |
Features of the kinetics of polymers electron-beam dispersion under laser assisted conditions M. A. Yarmolenko, A. V. Rogachev, A. S. Rudenkov, A. M. Mikhalko
61 |
On the question of regularizability of the oblique derivative type boundary value problem for second-oder elliptic systems on the plane A. I. Basik, E. V. Gricuk, T. V. Kapaitsava
67 |
On the intersection of functorial non-$\mathfrak{F}$-subgroups in groups with operators R. V. Borodich
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On identities and their generalizations in polyadic groupoids of special form. I A. M. Gal'mak
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Finite groups with weakly subnormal Schmidt subgroups in some maximal subgroups E. V. Zubei
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Nilpotency of the derived subgroup of a finite group with semisubnormal Schmidt subgroups V. N. Kniahina
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Multi-criterial optimization of resource distribution in the process of finished products O. M. Demidenko, E. M. Borchik, A. I. Yakimov
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Peculiarity of reactive magnetron deposition of tantalum oxide films with different methods of gas supply into the chamber H. T. Doan, D. A. Golosov, V. A. Burdovitsin, S. M. Zavadski, S. N. Melnikov
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