Hardware, software and distributed supercomputer systems
Time synchronization in sensor networks M. D. Nedev
71 |
Architecture of collaboratively-changeable hierarchical structure S. V. Znamenskii
115 |
The process approach to information systems evolution. Retrospective indexing S. V. Znamenskii
127 |
Topological methods in the synchronization system design for concurrent transactions in distributed databases A. A. Demidov
139 |
Optimization Methods and Control Theory
Antropomorphic recovery of corrupted images via methods of sub-Riemannian geometry A. A. Ardentov, Yu. L. Sachkov
3 |
A Mathematical Model of Collaborative Decision-Making Processes D. M. Ponizovkin, S. A. Amelkin
95 |
Extreme performance of competitive and collaborative markets M. A. Amel'kina
101 |
Construction of optimal graph of relations between sets of subjects and objects in collaborative filter systems D. M. Ponizovkin
107 |
Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems, Neural Networks
Problems and prospects analysis for cloud computing network attacks detection and prevention intelligent system creation Yu. G. Emel'yanova, V. P. Fralenko
17 |
The problem of modeling the flight unmanned aerial vehicle based on vision systems D. N. Stepanov, I. P. Tishchenko
33 |
Development of a distributed system security for cloud computing A. A. Kondrat'ev, I. P. Tishchenko, V. P. Fralenko
61 |
The evolution of the OWL language power I. V. Trofimov
85 |
Hardware and Software for Supercomputers
Promising approaches to developing scalable applications for hybrid supercomputers Yu. A. Klimov, A. Yu. Orlov, A. B. Shvorin
45 |