Hardware, software and distributed supercomputer systems
The distributed computer system for training specialists of high performance computing V. V. Gubarev, P. V. Mishchenko
39 |
Cloud system for program parameters fine tuning S. A. Smirnov
51 |
Cloud computing security perimeter V. I. Vorobiev, S. R. Ryzhkov, R. R. Fatkieva
61 |
Multiagent approach to the controlling of the operational environment containing extremely large databases A. A. Tsvetkov
83 |
Rational agents as probabilistic automata N. N. Nepejvoda, M. M. Khatkevich, A. A. Tsvetkov
99 |
Pautina: the high performance interconnect Yu. A. Klimov, A. B. Shvorin, A. Yu. Khrenov, I. A. Adamovich, A. Yu. Orlov, S. M. Abramov, Yu. V. Shevchuk, A. Yu. Ponomarev
109 |
On the cryptographic security of the “BotikKey” authentication protocol against attacks on MD5 hash function A. A. Kuznetsov
135 |
Research into the issue of BotikKey protocol resistance to the brute force attack A. A. Kuznetsov
147 |
Supercomputer analysis of genomics and transcriptomics data revealed by high-throughput DNA sequencing A. M. Spitsina, Yu. L. Orlov, N. N. Podkolodnaya, A. V. Svichkarev, A. I. Dergilev, M. Chen, S. V. Kuchin, I. G. Chernykh, B. M. Glinskij
157 |
Optimization Methods and Control Theory
Methodological support of optimal control of fuzzy multistage processes I. A. Egereva
11 |
Linear quadratic discrete-continuous systems with controllable coefficients I. V. Rasina, O. V. Baturina
21 |
Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems, Neural Networks
Referential profile — a tool for studying reference in discourse E. A. Suleymanova, I. V. Trofimov
73 |
Construction perspectives of the remote sensing data high-performance processing system V. M. Khachumov, V. P. Fralenko, Chen Guo Xiang, Zhang Guo Liang
121 |
Mathematical Foundations of Programming
Category-theoretic approach to algebraic computer systems design S. P. Kovalyov
3 |
A model and algorithm for sequence alignment S. V. Znamenskij
189 |
Hardware and Software for Supercomputers
Implementation of T-system with an open architecture for CUDA devices supporting dynamic parallelism and for hybrid computing clusters V. A. Roganov, A. A. Kuznetsov, G. Matveev, V. I. Osipov
175 |