Desingularization algorithms. I. Role of exceptional divisors E. Bierstone, P. D. Mil'man
751 |
New singularities and perestroikas of fronts of linear waves I. A. Bogaevsky
807 |
Geometry of Whitney-type formulas Yu. M. Burman, M. Polyak
823 |
Variational principles for Lie–Poisson and Hamilton–Poincaré equations H. Sendra, J. E. Marsden, S. Pekarskii, T. S. Ratiu
833 |
An integral generalization of the Gusein-Zade–Natanzon theorem S. V. Chmutov
869 |
Decomposable skew-symmetric functions S. V. Duzhin
881 |
Apparent contours and their Legendrian deformations E. Ferrand
889 |
Cluster algebras and Poisson geometry M. Gekhtman, M. Z. Shapiro, A. D. Vainshtein
899 |
Defining equations for bifurcations and singularities J. Guckenheimer, Y. Xiang
935 |
Maximally inflected real rational curves V. M. Kharlamov, F. Sottile
947 |
Geometry of higher helicities B. A. Khesin
989 |
$L$-convex-concave sets in real projective space and $L$-duality A. G. Khovanskii, D. Novikov
1013 |
On averaging in two-frequency systems with small Hamiltonian and much smaller non-Hamiltonian perturbations A. I. Neishtadt
1039 |
Pseudoholomorphic algebraically unrealizable curves S. Yu. Orevkov, E. I. Shustin
1053 |
Degeneration of the Leray spectral sequence for certain geometric quotients C. Peters, J. Steenbrink
1085 |
On the topology of singularities of Maxwell sets V. D. Sedykh
1097 |
The classical KAM theory at the dawn of the twenty-first century M. B. Sevryuk
1113 |
Spaces of Hermitian operators with simple spectra and their finite-order cohomology V. A. Vassiliev
1145 |
The center problem for the Abel equation, compositions of functions, and moment conditions Y. Yomdin
1167 |