Vitaly Vladimirovich Arestov (photo)
Vitaly Vladimirovich Arestov (to the 80-th anniversary)
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Nikol'skii's inequality of different metrics for trigonometric polynomials in a space with mixed asymmetric norm G. A. Akishev
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A Generalized Translation Operator Generated by the Sinc Function on an Interval V. V. Arestov, M. V. Deikalova
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The motion of an observer over a cone in $\mathbb{R}^3$ under counteraction from an object V. I. Berdyshev
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Kolmogorov widths of the intersection of two weighted Sobolev classes on an interval with the same smoothness A. A. Vasil'eva
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On finite groups isospectral to $PSp_4(q)$ M. A. Grechkoseeva, V. M. Rodionov
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On extremal trigonometric polynomials V. P. Zastavnyi
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One-dimensional $(k,a)$-generalized Fourier transform V. I. Ivanov
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On products of $\pi$-solvable finite groups L. S. Kazarin
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On the Kegel–Wielandt $\sigma$-Problem S. F. Kamornikov, V. N. Tyutyanov
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On Constants in the Bernstein–Szegő Inequality for the Weyl Derivative of Order Less Than Unity of Trigonometric Polynomials and Entire Functions of Exponential Type in the Uniform Norm A. O. Leont'eva
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Examples of Nonpronormal Relatively Maximal Subgroups of Finite Simple Groups B. Li, D. O. Revin
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Periodic Groups with One Finite Nontrivial Sylow 2-Subgroup D. V. Lytkina, V. D. Mazurov
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On the connection between classes of functions of bounded variation and classes of functions with fractal graph D. I. Masyutin
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On Submodularity and K$\mathfrak F$-Subnormality in Finite Groups V. S. Monakhov, I. L. Sokhor
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Arithmetic graphs and factorized finite groups V. I. Murashka
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On the weighted trigonometric Bojanov–Chebyshev extremal problem B. Nagy, Sz. Gy. Révész
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Optimal interpolation on an interval with the smallest mean-square norm of the $r$th derivative S. I. Novikov
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Sharp Carlson Type Inequalities with Many Weights K. Yu. Osipenko
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AT-groups A. V. Rozhkov, V. Yu. Barsukova
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Special factors in the restrictions of irreducible modules of classical groups to subsystem subgroups with two simple components I. D. Suprunenko, T. S. Busel, A. A. Osinovskaya
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A Graph with a Locally Projective Vertex-Transitive Group of Automorphisms Aut($Fi_{22}$) Which Has a Nontrivial Stabilizer of a Ball of Radius $2$ V. I. Trofimov
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On Graphs in Which the Neighborhoods of Vertices Are Edge-Regular Graphs without 3-Claws M. Chen, A. A. Makhnev, M. S. Nirova
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On the best simultaneous approximation of functions in the Hardy space M. Sh. Shabozov
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On the International S. B. Stechkin's Workshop-Conference on Function Theory Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of Professor V. V. Arestov A. G. Babenko, M. V. Deikalova
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