Математическая логика, алгебра и теория чисел
On variety $\mathcal{N}$ of normal valued $m$-groups A. V. Zenkov, O. V. Isaeva
54 |
Weak reducibility of computable and generalized computable numberings Z. K. Ivanova, M. Kh. Faizrahmanov
112 |
Effective Wadge hierarchy in computable quasi-Polish spaces V. L. Selivanov
121 |
On almost omega-categoricity of weakly o-minimal theories A. B. Altayeva, B. Sh. Kulpeshov
247 |
О дискриминанте квадратичного поля с промежуточными дробями отрицательной нормы и разложимости его представляющего многочлена А. А. Коробов, О. А. Коробов
319 |
On closure of configurations in freely generated projective planes N. T. Kogabaev
358 |
Computable metrics above the standard real metric R. A. Kornev
377 |
Independence and simplicity in Jonsson theories with abstract geometry A. R. Yeshkeyev, M. T. Kassymetova, O. I. Ulbrikht
433 |
Groups of central units of rank 1 of integral group rings of Frobenius metacyclic groups E. O. Shumakova
622 |
Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика
Об асимптотике распределения момента выхода обобщенного процесса восстановления за невозрастающую границу А. И. Саханенко, В. И. Вахтель, Е. И. Прокопенко, А. Д. Шелепова
9 |
Feature selection based on statistical estimation of mutual information A. A. Kozhevin
720 |
Геометрия и топология
Three-dimensional homogeneous spaces of nonsolvable Lie groups with equiaffine connections of nonzero curvature N. P. Mozhey
237 |
Local $\tau$-density and local weak $\tau$-density in topological spaces T. K. Yuldashev, F. G. Mukhamadiev
474 |
Дискретная математика и математическая кибернетика
Обратные задачи в теории графов: графы без треугольников А. А. Махнев, И. Н. Белоусов, Д. В. Падучих
27 |
On radius and typical properties of $n$-vertex graphs of given diameter T. I. Fedoryaeva
345 |
All tight descriptions of major $3$-paths in $3$-polytopes without $3$-vertices Ts. Ch.-D. Batueva, O. V. Borodin, A. O. Ivanova, D. V. Nikiforov
456 |
Center and its spectrum of almost all $n$-vertex graphs of given diameter T. I. Fedoryaeva
511 |
New perfect colorings of infinite circulant graphs with continuous sets of distances V. D. Plaksina, P. A. Shcherbina
530 |
Connections between quaternary and Boolean bent functions N. N. Tokareva, A. S. Shaporenko, P. Solé
561 |
Fixed points of cyclic groups acting purely harmonically on a graph A. D. Mednykh
617 |
On a metric property of perfect colorings A. A. Taranenko
640 |
Дифференциальные уравнения, динамические системы и оптимальное управление
Kolmogorov differential systems with prescribed algebraic limit cycles R. Chouader, S. Benyoucef, A. Bendjeddou
1 |
Начально-граничные задачи для вырождающихся гиперболических уравнений А. И. Кожанов
43 |
Analogues of the Cauchy-Goursat problem for a loaded third-order hyperbolic type equation in an infinite three-dimensional domain B. I. Islomov, Y. K. Alikulov
72 |
On solvability of some classes of transmission problems in a cylindrical space domain V. A. Belonogov, S. G. Pyatkov
176 |
О форме свободной границы течения идеальной несжимаемой жидкости с точечным стоком в вершине треугольного выступа на дне А. А. Титова
207 |
A frictional contact problem with damage in viscoplasticity A. Kasri
255 |
Multiscale analysis of a model problem of a thermoelastic body with thin inclusions S. A. Sazhenkov, I. V. Frankina, A. I. Furtsev, P. V. Gilev, A. G. Gorynin, O. G. Gorynina, V. M. Karnaev, E. I. Leonova
282 |
Об одном нелинейном дифференциальном уравнении в банаховом пространстве М. И. Бесова, В. И. Качалов
332 |
On uniqueness and stability of a cycle in one gene network V. P. Golubyatnikov, L. S. Minushkina
464 |
About convergence of difference schemes for a third-order pseudo-parabolic equation with nonlocal boundary value condition A. K. Bazzaev, D. K. Gutnova
548 |
Construction of exponentially decreasing estimates of solutions to a Cauchy problem for some nonlinear systems of delay differential equations N. V. Pertsev
579 |
Boundary value problems with conjugation conditions for quasi-parabolic equations of the third order with a discontinuous sign–variable coefficient A. I. Kozhanov, N. N. Shadrina
599 |
Вычислительная математика
Detection of the corner structures in 3D arrays using scalable masks I. G. Kazantsev, B. O. Mukhametzhanova, K. T. Iskakov
61 |
Recovery of a vector field in the cylinder by its jointly known NMR images and ray transforms E. Yu. Derevtsov, S. V. Maltseva
86 |
Dual null field method for Dirichlet problems of Laplace's equation in circular domains with circular holes M. G. Lee, L. P. Zhang, Z. C. Li, A. L. Kazakov
393 |
Численное решение задачи переноса растворенного вещества в пороупругом глинистом сланце Б. Х. Имомназаров, А. А. Михайлов, И. К. Хайдаров, А. Э. Холмурадов
694 |
Cubature formulas on the sphere that are invariant under the transformations of the dihedral groups of rotations with inversion A. S. Popov
703 |
Partially commutative groups and Lie algebras E. N. Poroshenko, E. I. Timoshenko
668 |
Вещественный, комплексный и и функциональный анализ
Unique determination of conformal type for domains. III A. P. Kopylov
104 |
Removable sets for Sobolev spaces with Muckenhoupt $A_1$-weight V. A. Shlyk
136 |
Some remarks on Möbius structures V. V. Aseev
160 |
Blaschke product in Privalov classes F. A. Shamoyan, V. A. Bednazh, V. A. Kustova
168 |
A note on Hardy type inequalities for quaternion-valued functions M. Mustafa, D. Suragan
338 |
Some remarks on rotation theorems for complex polynomials V. N. Dubinin
369 |
A version of Schwarz's lemma for mappings with weighted bounded distortion M. V. Tryamkin
423 |
On the transcendental solutions of Fermat type delay-differential and $c$-shift equations with some analogous results A. Banerjee, T. Biswas
479 |
On band preserving orthogonally additive operators N. M. Abasov
495 |
Ergodic theorems in Banach ideals of compact operators A. N. Azizov, V. I. Chilin
534 |
Existence results for a class of nonlinear degenerate Navier problems A. C. Cavalheiro
647 |
On the Orlicz cohomology of star-bounded simplicial complexes Ya. A. Kopylov
710 |
Математическая жизнь
The Siberian Probabilist (on the occasion of the 90th birthday of Aleksandr Borovkov) S. S. Kutateladze
А.1 |