Andrei Mikhailovich Zubkov and Vladimir Alekseevich Vatutin (photo)
Andrei Mikhailovich Zubkov: On the occasion of his 75th birthday V. I. Afanasyev, V. G. Mikhailov, E. E. Dyakonova
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Vladimir Alekseevich Vatutin: On the occasion of his 70th birthday V. I. Afanasyev, V. G. Mikhailov, E. E. Dyakonova
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On the Local Time of a Stopped Random Walk Attaining a High Level V. I. Afanasyev
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Capacity of the Range of Branching Random Walks in Low Dimensions Tianyi Bai, Yueyun Hu
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Characterization of Large Deviation Probabilities for Regenerative Sequences G. A. Bakay
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Structure of the Population of Particles for a Branching Random Walk in a Homogeneous Environment D. M. Balashova, E. B. Yarovaya
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Fluctuations of the Rightmost Particle in the Catalytic Branching Brownian Motion Sergey S. Bocharov
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First Hitting Time of a High Level by a Catalytic Branching Walk E. Vl. Bulinskaya
105 |
Crossing an Asymptotically Square-Root Boundary by the Brownian Motion Denis E. Denisov, Günter Hinrichs, Alexander I. Sakhanenko, Vitali I. Wachtel
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Intermediately Subcritical Branching Process in a Random Environment: The Initial Stage of the Evolution E. E. Dyakonova
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A Scaling Limit Theorem for Galton–Watson Processes in Varying Environments Rongjuan Fang, Zenghu Li, Jiawei Liu
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Convergence in $L^p$ for a Supercritical Multi-type Branching Process in a Random Environment Ion Grama, Quansheng Liu, Erwan Pin
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Conditional $L^1$-Convergence for the Martingale of a Critical Branching Process in Random Environment Wenming Hong, Shengli Liang, Xiaoyue Zhang
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Superprocesses for the Population of Rabbits on Grassland Lina Ji, Jie Xiong
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On the Genealogical Structure of Critical Branching Processes in a Varying Environment Götz Kersting
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Method of Moments and Sums of Random Indicators V. A. Kopyttsev, V. G. Mikhailov
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$k$-Configurations F. M. Malyshev
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On Series of $H$-Equivalent Tuples in Markov Chains V. G. Mikhailov, A. M. Shoitov, A. V. Volgin
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The Limiting Distribution of the Hook Length of a Randomly Chosen Cell in a Random Young Diagram Ljuben R. Mutafchiev
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Sizes of Trees in a Random Forest and Configuration Graphs Yu. L. Pavlov, I. A. Cheplyukova
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Large Deviations of a Strongly Subcritical Branching Process in a Random Environment A. V. Shklyaev
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The Probability of Reaching a Receding Boundary by a Branching Random Walk with Fading Branching and Heavy-Tailed Jump Distribution P. I. Tesemnivkov, S. G. Foss
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Critical Branching Processes in a Random Environment with Immigration: The Size of the Only Surviving Family V. A. Vatutin, C. Smadi
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Moment Characteristics of a Random Mapping with Restrictions on Component Sizes A. L. Yakymiv
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